How to talk to angels (Ask for angelic help!) –

Do you want to know how to talk to angels? The truth is that you have angels watching over you, and they want you to have a personal relationship with them.

Angels can help you in all areas of life, from the trivial to the significant. But to get their help, you have to ask them first.

Because we have free will, angels do not want to interfere with us unless they are given permission to do so. You have to open yourself to conversations with angels and allow them to enter your heart. Only then can you receive the benefits of his guidance.

Who doesn’t want to build a more intimate relationship with their angel so that they can receive assistance and care? You may be wondering where to start, but talking to your angels is easier than you may believe.

Here I am going to share with you the benefits of talking to angels, tips for connecting with your angels on a personal level, and one of my personal stories with angels.

Benefits of talking to angels

Doesn’t it feel good to talk to someone who is loving and understanding?

I usually talk to my angels when I go to bed. I thank you for everything you have done for me that day. I talk to them about things I still need help with or might need some guidance on.

Then I ask you to visit me in my dreams. While we sleep we are in a relaxed state and we can receive messages from the Angels more easily.

Have you ever had the impression that a solution came in your dreams? It was your Angels who guided you.

I got used to talking to my angels. It could be just a quick thank you when something good happened or when I felt their presence.

There are so many situations in which we can ask the Angels for help and talk to them. For example:

  • I ask the Angels to protect me before I get into my car so that my trip is safe.
  • I ask the Angels to help me calm down if I have a meeting I am nervous about.
  • I ask the angels to take care of my children. This way I maintain confidence and know that my children are well taken care of during the day when they are at school and I am not with them.
  • I ask the Angels for help and guidance when I go through a difficult stage in my life or with my children.
  • I ask the Angels for help when I need an answer to know what is right for me.
  • I always reflect on my ideas with the Angels and see what they advise me.

Tips for communicating with angels

There are several ways you can talk to your angels. Each way is equally beneficial. The most important thing is that you choose the method that best suits you.

You can tell your angels ANYTHING. Nothing is too annoying or irrelevant for the Angels. They LOVE helping us.

1. Prayers

Prayers are a common way to ask for help from the divine Source and the Angels.

It is said that meditation is listening to angels, while praying is talking to angels. Daily prayer is a great way to talk to your angels in a personal and direct way.

You don’t have to follow a specific framework for your prayer. You can talk to them about anything, including your deepest fears and desires. Do it as you would if you were arguing with your best friend by being genuine and sincere.

You don’t have to ask them for help; you can simply ask them for guidance. Ask them to open your mind and heart to receive them. The angels are there for you, so thank them by expressing loving devotion.

When you pray, pray from your heart and in whatever way you feel comfortable with. Your prayers are always heard.

2. Ask for help

Another method of getting help from Angels is to simply ask for help. “Dear Angels, please help me,” is enough for the Angels to reach out and help you.

Angels love to help us, so you can ask for help with anything. Maybe you lost your keys or need help with a situation you’re currently in or would just love some guidance. When you ask, the Angels will find a way to help you.

3. Speak in your mind

You can simply speak in your mind and the Angels will listen to you. You can chat with them, explain your concerns or ask for help.

Angels are good listeners. If you are sad, it is very comforting to talk to your Angels. They take you on their loving wings and send you love and peace.

4. Speak out loud

You can also talk out loud to the Angels as you would to a good friend. It is very healing to simply talk to your Angels.

You can tell them anything from the fun you had that day, to the things you’re worried about, and of course, what you need help with.

5. Write to your angels

Writing is another beautiful way to communicate with your Angels. When trying to connect with angels, write a journal or letters to your angels.

Writing is also the best way to ask your angels for help. It is important to be very clear and specific about what you want your angel’s assistance with.

Review your innermost desires and feelings and ask yourself questions that push you deeper. Journaling helps you discover more about yourself, so you can then better identify what you need help with.

Writing letters about specific topics and feelings will bring clarity to your problem or question. When you ask for help, write down what exactly you want help with and read it out loud.

Pour out your heart to the Angels. They are very understanding. Nothing you do will diminish the love they have for you.

6. Meditate

Meditation gives you the opportunity to listen to your angels. When you allow yourself to relax into a meditative state, you become more open to receiving messages from angels.

There are several types of meditation, and we tend to make the practice more difficult than it really is. Meditation can simply be sitting quietly and focusing on your breathing.

Before you begin your meditation, ask a question that you want your angels to answer for you., or request that they bring you a solution to a problem you are trying to solve. During the meditation, you will receive guidance on your application.

If you want to learn to meditate, I recommend that you read the article: “How to meditate for beginners”

My personal story with angels

In the midst of my separation and divorce, my ex cut his payment to us (his 3 children and I) dramatically. I know it was his way of pushing and pushing me, showing me who had the power. Although I felt intimidated, this experience actually helped strengthen me.

When I realized that the new amount would not allow me to cover our fixed costs, I was devastated. A couple of months before that, I was barely able to pay all the expenses we had to move out of our old house and into something smaller, and I finally felt like I could take a break.

No. The decrease in income was a huge blow, shaking me to the core. I had no idea what to do next. I was devastated and had no way forward.

I cried and cried, and then I lay on the bed and cried some more. I must have said something like “Help me! What can I do now?”

Suddenly, I saw a beautiful, shiny hand and arm reaching out to me and touching me on the back. I felt love and peace go through me. It was pure love, a beautiful hug, a comfort that I so needed at that moment. It was pure happiness.

I knew immediately that this was coming from the Angels and Divine Source, who wanted to reassure me and let me know that they were with me and that, eventually, everything would be okay.

This incredible experience helped me overcome many more things that were still to come. I could go back to the memory of this incredible warm hand on my back, calming me and sending me so much love. It was as if the experience was imprinted on me, and I could return to those same feelings of peace, love, and well-being whenever I needed to.

Additional Tips When Contacting Angels

1. Pay attention to the signs

Your angels may already be trying to connect with you, but you don’t know it because you don’t notice the signs. Angels speak to us in various ways. If you don’t know what they are, you might not pay enough attention to listen to them.

Angels can connect with you through sound, and a common sign is hearing a ringing in your ear. Fragrances are other signs that angels are near. If you experience an unexpected smell that you can’t find the source of, it may be that an angel is coming to brighten your day. An unexpected taste of sweetness in your mouth is also an indication of an angelic presence.

Lastly, angels often appear as a feeling, both physical and emotional. A physical sign could be goosebumps or feeling a light breeze passing by you. Emotionally, some people feel an overwhelming sense of love, calm, and support wash over them.

2. Light a candle or burn incense

Using candles or incense to connect with angels is a common practice. To start, all you need is a quiet place and the item you want to illuminate.

Choose a place where you can lie or sit comfortably and dim the lights. Then, light your candle or start burning incense. Spend time breathing and relaxing as much as you like. Additionally, you can diffuse essential oils during your practice.

Many angels also have a specific color or scent associated with them. If you don’t know which angel you want to connect to, a white candle works well. The more candle lighting sessions you have, the more strongly you will feel the presence of the angels.

3. Write down your dreams

Angels often come to people in dreams, and give us messages that they want us to remember when we wake up. If you dream about angels, the message is even more urgent or important.

Start keeping a notebook next to your bed so you can write down your dreams as soon as you wake up.

Remembering dreams can be difficult, so scribbling down what you can on paper will help you keep it in your conscious memory.

Monthly, review your dream journal and analyze what the angels have told you. You will be surprised at the stories and messages that come from them.

If you’re having trouble sleeping or dreaming, take a look at what physical problems might be affecting you. Too much caffeine before bed or too much time in front of the light on your phone could hinder your ability to dream and remember your angels.

4. Spend time in nature

One way to open your heart to angels is to get outside and spend time in nature. Choose your favorite place, like the beach, the forest or the mountains, and enjoy the beauty of it all.

Human beings are as much a part of nature as plants and animals. When you pause and connect…

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