What did the Letter of Saint Monica Blessed to her son Saint Augustine say? – Faithful to God

Blessed Saint Monica, better known as the patron saint of all mothers. And mother of a man named Agustín, it was perseverance and power in prayers that made her son become a Christian, so that he would be speaking the good news of the creator of heaven and earth, Jesus Christ. While it is true there is a letter, What did the letter of blessed Saint Monica say to her son Saint Augustine?

Therefore, her parents married her at an early age to a hard-working but strong-willed man, who made her suffer greatly by rudely humiliating her. She also had several children with him, but her eldest, named Agustín, came out of her just like her father, filled her with bitterness and much pain.

According to her mother’s heart, what did Santa Monica’s letter to her son Agustín say?

Without a doubt, Santa Monica was they were blessed through their prayers of which two of them were noble and sincere in heart. Of course, the eldest son named Agustín was rebellious and had a strong character. Her husband was a being full of hatred towards Christian people. He did not agree with the prayers that Monica was doing.

Despite being so, did not intervene in the aid that Santa Mónica provided to some people in the town, since this one did that very well and served him to fill him with compliments for having a good wife like her. Of course, as the years passed; the power of the prayers that Santa Monica made to her husband this doublego.

In a great way he decided to be part of their religion so that he would be baptized. In the same way, her marriage was filled with more strength and rigidity, carrying out the perfect relationship, where there were no longer so many scoldings and reproaches from her husband.

Therefore saint Monica and her husband named patricio established a conversation that would be of great importance to them, as well as for his son Agustín. Since without a doubt Agustín was characterized as an intelligent and opposite boy despite his character. In this way they decided to send him to a city called Cartago.

Did they manage to help Agustín?

To see if they could straighten Agustín out of that shady character he had. However, Monica and her husband brought him the news that her son belonged to a sect which was characterized by doing harm to others. This news made Monica faint and that is why she made a letter What did the letter of blessed Saint Monica say to her son Saint Augustine?

Actually, it was a letter where this mother sweetly expressed her eternal love for her son, letting him know that at any moment death would come but it would be his mother’s prayer that would make him rest in peace. Other than that, her thoughts would always be in favor of her son. So that in a way it was Jesus Christ who was around her. And after death they will meet again.

The letter written from Santa Monica to her eldest son Agustín.

In addition, in this letter Santa Monica expressed the great love she had for her son, she loved them all equally, but it was Agustín who worried her the most, in the same way she decided to express her affection with greater splendor through a letter What did the letter of blessed Saint Monica say to her son Saint Augustine? However, he affectionately said, son, give yourself to the .

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