What day is the Feast of Saint Ignatius of Loyola celebrated? – Faithful to God

Now that you want to know what day the Feast of San Ignacio de Loyola is celebrated. July 31 of each year is the day of the celebration of this Saint celebrated by the Jesuits. However, this official celebration in the Basilica of Loyola in his honor is celebrated on August 1.

As for his life, he is known as the or also called the Jesuits. This Blessed Saint was Beatified by Paul V in 1609 and He was canonized by Gregory XV in 1622.

While we are going to show you who Saint Ignatius of Loyola was. He was born in Rome in the year 1491 at Loyola, his baptismal name was Inigo Lopez de Recalde. Descendant of a leading noble family with military knowledge, which years later led him to participate in the Pamplona war against the French in 1521.

Walk from Loyola to Manresa

During the time that Iñigo attended the war against France. He was wounded in the leg from that battle that the fever almost caused his death. During this period of recovery he had the great advantage of having at his disposal manuscripts of the Catholic religion. Where was his first encounter with the word of God.

Now after seeing the word of the Lord Iñigo I imitate all the things that Jesus Christ did. Since he fell in love with all the good deeds he created. From Monserrat this was impacted by the appearance of Our Lady Mother of Godwhich guided him and taught him how to spread the word of God.

After receiving multiple apparitions of the Virgin. She went out to help the poor and the most needy since then she formed a group of friends who became like the Jesuits. Which would create the famous Society of Jesus, were the creators of the first printed book with the ascetic method of Spiritual practices. Based on meditation and the good habits of the Catholic Church.

Of course many of the inquisition did not agree with these spiritual practices, this famous book was approved by Pope III. Saint Ignatius of Loyola created a community of people who years later were blessed by the pope so that they would go out and spread the word of God to all the continents.

Of course, all these people who accompanied Saint Ignatius were prepared, modern people with impeccable discipline. Although when they took their vows they left their luxurious clothes and everything that generated wealth.

What were they dedicated to? – Jesus company

They dedicated themselves to helping those most in need, spiritually educating the people and among all their missions that no one lacked basic needs in their homes.

Today, what Saint Ignatius of Loyola wrote in his book, is the most widely read and used practice in the world. Once in command of the Society of Jesus, she sent several of her friends to consecrations in different countries, which one of her best friends Saint Peter Canisius who was in Germany, became famous for correctly carrying the word of God.

Since then, this group of people has been found around the world, who have become millions, taking the word of the Lord to every home in the world.

Why do they celebrate the feast day of San Ignacio Loyola?

Since many consider that Saint Ignatius was one of those who started the word of the almighty would spread throughout the world. He carried that knowledge correctly into spiritual practices. Many Popes agree that this man in his moments of illness was touched by God, to go through the world demonstrating his word with faith and good works.

The Church is clear that the Jesuits played an important role in the Catolic religion and although many played a good role in the work they did. Several were not recognized to date.

Finally, already in the last days of his 65 years he was sick every day where he was cured and got sick again. until Saint Ignatius died on July 31, 1556. The Pope declared him a saint for good deeds and declared Patron Saint of Spiritual Practices.

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