The power of prayer present in dating

The couple who prays together comes to know God’s will, because if Jesus is present in their life, everything will go well.

“Without me you can do nothing” (John 15:5), said Jesus.

Let Him enter your life and your relationship. Prayer strengthens our lives and makes us stronger for battles.

Prayer present in relationship

Here is something extremely important: learn to pray together, set aside time to be together with God. Prayer will help you to be more united and to discern your own life.

How beautiful it is when a couple, in addition to praying together, pray for each other, and learn to be God’s instruments, through prayer, for the person they love already in their relationship.

How many times did I come to Fábia with a wounded, humiliated heart, and she prayed for me, presenting my pain to God, and that prayer strengthened me and gave me new courage. In the same way, how many times did I pray for her, for what she was facing, and that made us stronger and more united.

How many inspirations came to us from these prayers, giving us new direction and meaning for our lives. How many healings God has performed in our hearts!

All by the grace of prayer

In fact, “he who prays together remains united”: “Watch and pray so that you do not fall into temptation. The spirit is willing, but the flesh is weak” (Mt 26:41).

Prayer will help the couple to overcome the temptations of the flesh and the traps of the world, which exist and are there all the time trying to divide them, distract them and prevent the couple from living a good, pure, chaste, lucid, peaceful relationship. real dating, which leads you to make decisions like free and mature people, like someone who knows where they want to go, and therefore has a goal, and doesn’t get lost in the paths of life. It is prayer that gives us the gift of strength for this purpose.

Prayer, as he says, is necessary not so that God knows our needs, but so that we become aware of the need we have to turn to God, recognizing him as the author of all good things.

Without prayer, no one will be able to love and forgive, know God’s will for their life.

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Prayer strengthened my life and Fábia’s life throughout our dating period, and it strengthens it now in our life, teaching us to give time to time, to seek things from above, God’s Will for our lives . Prayer teaches us to value what is truly good, and not to waste time with what is passing away. Prayer gave us and continues to give us strength and courage to face the tribulations typical of the life of a couple, of a family, always with the hope that everything works together for the good of those who love God, without despairing.

We are children of God, called to have a relationship with our Father in Heaven, and the way to grow in this intimacy is prayer.

Pray the rosary as a couple

Pray the rosary every day, consecrate your lives to Our Lady and Saint Joseph. I remember how many times I turned to Saint Joseph during the period of my courtship, asking him to intercede for me so that God would give me grace to live, because I didn’t want to sin and offend God; on the contrary, I wanted to be faithful as he was, obeying God’s voice to be happy. And everything went well. Today, I reap the fruits of that decision and prayer.

Feed yours with the Word of God, because, as Psalm 118 says, it illuminates our steps, it is alive, it is God speaking to us.

Resort to the sacraments of . How many graces Jesus left us and wants to give us through the sacraments! Do not be lazy or afraid to seek them, as they are paths to salvation.

Jesus is truly present in the Eucharist. He, as Saint Augustine said, “is our daily food, for our daily weakness”. It is through the Eucharist, said Saint Thomas Aquinas, that Jesus destroys the temptations of the devil in us. These are the graces that God gives us through the sacraments.

Thus, I could write about each sacrament testifying to what the Lord accomplishes in us when we experience them with faith. Jesus loves us so much that he wanted to be very close to us, walking with us, every day, until the end of time.

Remember: unity, communion and love will not only be possible with the grace and presence of God.

Excerpt taken from

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