The fight against masturbation addiction

The struggle of young Christians against masturbation addiction is great

The practice of masturbation is quite common among boys and girls, and one of the main problems faced by young Christians.

Know, first of all, that masturbation is not a sign of personality or mental problems, but rather a very old problem in humanity.

The Egyptians’ Book of the Dead condemned masturbation around 1550 BC. According to the moral code of the ancient Jews, it was considered a serious sin.

I met married men who continued to masturbate even though they had regular sex with their wives. This shows that the addiction of their youth has continued and is harming the couple.

Although “sex education” classes often teach that masturbation is normal and even necessary, they are actually against nature and God’s law. Unfortunately, in these classes and booklets on the subject, students are advised not to have feelings of anguish or anxiety, and are taught that it is not harmful to their health. This is not true! Many doctors claim that it is harmful to young people both physically and psychologically.

What does the Church teach about masturbation?

The Church teaches that it is a disordered act.

Although defended by many as “something normal”, the Church teaches that this is not true: “In line with a constant tradition, both the teaching authority of the Church and the moral sense of the faithful affirm, without hesitation, that masturbation is an intrinsic and seriously disordered act.” “Whatever the reason, the deliberate use of the sexual faculty outside of normal marital relations contradicts its purpose.” (Catechism, §2352).

Attitudes in the fight against masturbation

To combat masturbation, several actions are necessary:

1. Be calm in the face of the problem

You are not sexually imbalanced, unclean or a potential prostitute. You are not a freak because you masturbate.

2. Cut out all addictive stimulants

Throw away all the magazines, books and erotic films you used to watch. Don’t stare at the bodies of girls or boys, feeding your mind with erotic desires.

Stop watching those TV programs that, more and more, throw gunpowder into your blood. Today, TV is one of the worst poisons for young people who struggle with masturbation. Avoid erotic “sites” on the internet.

3. Make good use of your time off

Take the time to read a good book, go out with friends, go for a walk, etc. Don’t sit around doing nothing, especially in bed, because “an empty mind is the devil’s workshop”.

4. Never be discouraged or despair

Fight, daily, against masturbation, but, if you fall, get up immediately, ask God for forgiveness, immediately, and return to the purpose of not sinning. Don’t step on yours or condemn yourself.

Say: “Okay, I made a mistake, I fell. I accept my fall humbly, because I am weak; I will be able to overcome this with God’s help. I will keep fighting until I finally free myself, even if I fall a million times. I will not give up or despair.”

God loves our struggle with sin. Before him, our perseverance in the fight is more than complete victory.

5. Feed your soul with prayer, the Word of God and the sacraments of the Church.

There is a saying that goes: “Flies don’t sit on a hot plate”.

If you keep your soul warm with the heat of the Holy Spirit, the flies will not disturb you. But if the dish gets cold…

After a fall in the field of sex, it is always clear that there was a lack of vigilance and prayer not to sin. We often abuse our weakness, expose ourselves to danger and fall.

There is another proverb that says: “Occasion makes the thief”. Or even: “Whoever loves danger will perish in it.”

In fact, we will have to ask God for forgiveness more for not watching or praying than for having fallen into sin itself.

Read more:

The ocean liner and the seagulls

A large transatlantic liner left its port of departure one day and, like all other ships, was escorted by a cloud of silver gulls. After half an hour, the weather became threatening and a violent wind was blowing huge waves. A tremendous wave appeared in the sky. The powerful ship, even with its powerful engines, continued with difficulty.

– Poor birds! said a traveler who was looking at the seagulls.

– How can you, with your weak wings, fight against this typhoon?

Suddenly, that man, who was so compassionate towards the birds, was astonished. The little seagulls, spreading the wings that God gave them, abandoned the ship in the storm and began to fly to a higher and more serene region where there was calm.

At sea, the great liner continued to groan.

By the mighty wings of prayer and the grace of God, man rises above the storms of life and can fly placidly above the passions of this world.

(Extracted from the book)

Felipe Aquino

Professor Felipe Aquino is a widower, father of five children. On TV , he presents the program “Escola da Fé” and “Pergunte e Responderemos”, on Radio he presents the program “No Coração da Igreja”. On weekends he holds in-depth meetings throughout Brazil and abroad. He wrote 73 books on Catholic formation for publishers Cléofas, Loyola and. Teacher page: and Twitter:

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