The perfect plan | restored

We all make plans in life, since they are strategies that we must use to carry out what we want, but the point is that these plans often fail and we have to resort to making others, and that is how human beings spend it, making plans until reaching a perfect plan.

However, God is not the same as us, when God has a plan it is because it works. God’s plans always work out well, God does not need to make several plans to know which of them can achieve it, but God’s plans are perfect.

We all know the story of the man in the Garden of Eden, how Adam sinned and this dragged down all humanity, of course, in this situation it would be good to ask: What would be your plan to return communion between God and man? Well, perhaps we as men would spend millions of years designing a plan for it and even then we would fail over and over again, however, I reiterate again, God’s plans are perfect and there was already a plan designed for us beforehand and we give glory to God for it.

Throughout the old testament we find that man lived making sacrifices to God for the forgiveness of sins. But, these sacrifices were not enough to satisfy divine justice, they were simply not perfect and a sacrifice was required to end sin once and for all, of course, God had that plan prepared.

The Bible says:

For God so loved the world that he gave his only begotten Son, so that everyone who believes in him should not perish but have eternal life.

John 3:16

This verse summarizes the redemption plan for humanity, that God loved us in such a unique way that he gave the most valuable thing he could have as a sacrifice for our sins. His love broke all barriers, looked at our condition as sinners, knowing that we would never reach Him, and sent his Son to die on a cross to satisfy his justice.

We thank God for that wonderful plan to save us, since we could not do it by ourselves.

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