The offering of the poor widow | restored

A widow and poor woman who was at the time the offering was to be deposited. Later we will show you several biblical quotes that tell us about this woman.

Jesus was in the temple, and he saw some rich people putting money in the offering boxes. He also saw a widow who put in two small coins of very little value. Then Jesus said to his disciples:

Luke 21:1

Here the Bible explains to us that Jesus was in the temple, and Jesus saw how many rich people deposited their offerings. But something that happened there in that place was that those rich people gave, but they did not do it from the heart, but they gave from what was left over and only gave to be seen by others.

However, a widow woman, without much thought, deposited a small amount for the rich, but a large amount for her, because it was the only thing she had left: two white coins, coins of little value.

This woman did not care about the fact that she was not going to have money left for her house, but being grateful for what the Lord had allowed her to have, she offered him the only thing she had left.

Then Jesus tells his disciples:

I assure you that this poor widow gave more than all the rich. Because they all gave from what was left over; but she, who is so poor, gave everything she had to live.

Luke 21:3,4

This woman who did not have a husband found it difficult to get money to survive, she had to work a lot to get money of very little value to support her home.

Also, Jesus highlighted to his disciples the fact that we discussed earlier, that although the widow’s offering was small in amount, she gave more than all the others, because she gave everything she had, while the others only gave what they had. he had too much

As advice for us when offering, it is good to remember to do it with heart and with joy, not with sadness, because when we give with sadness, God does not receive that offering. The Word of God says that he who gives to the poor lends to God:

He who gives to the poor lends to the Lord,
And the good that he has done, he will repay.

Proverbs 19:17

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