The Meaning of John 3:16 – “God So Loved the World” – Faithful to God

For many this phrase is one of the most important in the Bible, in fact Protestants call this verse () “the gospel in a nutshell” and it is an excellent description, because in less than 30 words, John highlighted one of the most important things in the entire New Testament and that is: God so loved the world.

In the , we find a verse that establishes the following words: “For God so loved the world that he gave his only begotten son, so that everyone who believes in him may not perish but may have eternal life.”

God’s love cannot be classified, we cannot put a number on it, but above all, it cannot be compared to anything we know. However, we will always try to understand it and this is very good, because what it leads us to is feel indebted to him and reciprocate with our praises.

After all, this verse has an extraordinary meaning that reinforces everything we have just said and our mission is to explain it to you. We assure you that after reading this, you will feel closer to the Lord.

In such a way God loved the world and in such a way he continues to love us

Of course, this biblical passage tells us that “God loved the world”, but do not think that he no longer loves us, simply refers to that central act which the whole verse clings to. When reading it completely, we see that it is said that giving affirms the love of the Lord, since of course it is an act of commitment and very great sacrifice.

However, it is not just about that, but the Almighty, with his omniscience, already knew what would happen but he did not care as long as he saved us and gave us another chance. through redemption.

God has given us two paths, the path of good and the path of evil, it is up to us to make the right decisions to guide us along the path of good. His love falls on all this too, because even knowing that we have the possibility of drifting towards evil, he did not care, knows we deserve a second chance despite our sins.

Easily, seeing all the misery that abounds on Earth today, the Creator could and can make another more drastic decision. However, he does not and throughout our lives, he allows us to redeem ourselves. How great is his mercy, for only he sees the kindness in the hardest hearts.

Believe in the Father to have eternal life

In the last part of the verse we observe that John expresses the following words: “…that everyone who believes in him will not perish, but have eternal life.”

Knowing that this happens through the crucifixion of Jesus, we realize that this act has as its main objective, the salvation of the faithful. Although we emphasize something, it is not that God does not love those who do not believe in him, but as we explained previously, two paths are presented to us and in the end it is about having eternal life with the lamb of God and that can only be achieved if we believe in him.

If we live according to the will of the Lord, you have to be sure that your life will be directed along the path of good. For that we have the word of God in the Bible, so we know what is right and what is not, let us be faithful to heaven.

Consequently, we cannot close this topic without making a parenthesis, this is not about believing in God to go to heaven. Many are the non-believers who today accompany the Father, for have lived a holy life for his own convictions.

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