The Man With The Withered Hand Apply This Lesson To Your Life – Mark 3:1-6

In Mark 3:1-6. Jesus heals the man with the withered hand. Things can be “dry”, not only physically, but also spiritually. Anything that has “dried up” in your life, God came to make it “complete.” We’ve all been through situations where we’ve had some things that have “dried up.” But God is the only one who can make your life green with the water of life that he offers in his writings.

“The man with the withered hand” how this lesson applies to our lives


The man with the withered hand was in bad shape. It means that he had “wrinkled”. His hand was withered, smaller, useless, which meant he couldn’t work. It was attached to him, but it wasn’t good for him, and it was a burden, only serving to weigh him down, slow him down, drain his energy, dragging a useless heavy weight.


Not only our hands, but also our lives are “dry” without God! Even though God created us in his image, to be like him. Since Adam’s sin in the garden, sin separated man from God. God declared that the “day you sin you shall die.”

In our life; there are situations that mark us and create certain ties in the spiritual world that do not allow us to flow in the work of God; what puts us in a bad state spiritually, where we fail in prayer, in communion with God or else, slows us down in hearing the voice of God to fulfill his will in our lives. And therefore everything that comes out of our hands it is drought.

Since man is born in sin, “cut off” from the source of life, he is in a “wrinkled” condition. He is “wrinkled” in his spirit, soul and body. Ultimately, if man does not “reconnect” with God through him, by being born again by God’s spirit, it will die! Destined to spend “eternity in hell! We must receive the “Holy Spirit”. Lifestyle.

spiritual truth

Man in all his wisdom and the blessings of God still denies the reality of God, the need for “born again“and live a holy and sanctified life in this present world by the power of the Holy Spirit!

Before healing the man, he used this as an opportunity to teach them a bigger lesson, “Jesus came to give life, to do good, even on the Sabbath. God is not limited by time or the day of the week.” “.

The spectators were not only cruel to the patient, whom they should have done everything possible to help him. But they were cruel to the doctor who came to help him!

Jesus tells the man with the withered hand “Stand up”

When he felt the hardness of his “hearts“He asked them a question. “Is it correct to do good or evil, to cure or kill on Saturday?” Jesus was angered by the sin in their hearts. They resisted the “truth” and refused to change. Therefore, they did not say anything. Jesus told them that if you are not far from me, then you are against me. Even if you are not saying anything with your lips, but the sin is in your heart, you are going to be judged.

Jesus was angry, because of the “sin” in their hearts, but still did not sin. We must be like Jesus, and develop a “holy anger” at the sin, and not at the person, “Be angry and sin not!”

Get away from all situations that do not allow you to advance in your Christian life; and always seek to do the will of God and you will see that everything that is dry in your life begins to have life and renews every part of you; so that you flow like streams of living water, from the source that is God.

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