The Good Deed of Feeding the Hungry According to Ecclesiastes 11:1 – Faithful to God

Feeding the hungry is the spiritual representation of a person according to Ecclesiastes 11:1 when you have the need to receive in your life, the word of God in order to feed your spirit. Naturally this can be associated with giving food or drink to a person who for some reason does not have this, but this is not the meaning to which this verse refers.

But do you know how to feed the hungry? Sometimes this is the mission in our lives, to bring the word of the Lord to those who need it most.

Both known realms of giving food to the hungry

In the secular realm, we find natural hunger, this means that it is the form of a person satiated by physical food. Either to maintain its leather, and a healthy life, so if it doesn’t receive food it will weaken to death.

On the other hand, it find the spiritual realm, just as the body needs to be fed and satiated, our spirit also needs it. And this can only be found when we practice the word of God, when we nourish ourselves with his blessings and commandments. A spirit that is not fed will be put to sleep, will have no energy and therefore will die.

According to the Bible, how do we feed the hungry?

With the blessing (manna) from heaven we manage to feed the hungry, butWhat is manna from heaven all about?, this represents the bread of life, this bread is our Lord Jesus Christ. In the Bible we find that “The bread of God is the one that came down from heaven and gives life to the world”, so feeding the hungry is showing them the word of our Lord Jesus Christ.

Show him that he is real and that he is the only one capable of saving our spirit, satisfying every hungry person with his word, and Open your spiritual eyes.

What do we learn from Ecclesiastes 11:1?

You do not need to have a powerful account to help or start your business. You do not need to have a large amount of money to evangelize and feed the hungry. When God calls you to feed the hungry, he is not interested in how much money is in your hands at that moment, because what matters is your word and your knowledge to do it.

Have the will to guide others to the path of the gospel, so that just like you they can enjoy eternal life and overwhelming joy. it says that he who feeds the hungry will be rewarded later.

Don’t expect a material reward, do not expect a lot of money in return, your reward will be spiritual, it will come from the highest of heaven to save you.

Be a provider of , and satiate the world’s hunger with it, so your days on earth will be blessed and of great joy. We are called to be multipliers of the word of God, to feed every spirit that is dead today. Let us move everyone away from the things of the world and lead them to the word of our God.

So let’s start today, let’s take the word to everyone around us, our parents, our children, our neighbors and even the strangers we meet and notice that they are hungry.

Let us follow the example of Jesus Christ when he came to earth to give the word of his father to each person he met here. Let’s not feel ashamed, then God is not ashamed of us. We will be rewarded, whoever feeds the spiritually hungry will be rewarded with salvation and eternal life.

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