The Gifts of the Holy Spirit – God’s Gift to Believers – Faithful to God

The gifts of the Holy Spirit they are all those abilities that God gave us in our lives to bless us and give us ways to face life on this earth.

All Christians have at least one gift, although the Bible tells us that we can long to possess other gifts and the Lord encourages us to ask for them, because everything desired with faith will be delivered to our lives.

But today you will be able to know here what are the gifts that God gives us to each of his believers to so make our lives much more enjoyable.

What are the gifts mentioned in the bible?

In the bible we can find three main lists that have the gifts of the holy spirit. One is found in Corinthians 12:4-11; the second in Romans 12:6-8 and the third in. The gifts are the following:


This is about a wisdom beyond human reason, It is about knowing the way to do or say what is correct within the will of God in some situation.


This knowledge is a spiritual one, that is to say, of power receive information about a situation or a person but not by natural means, many of us have the gift of receiving revelations through our dreams.

This is one of the great gifts that God gave to his believers and followers, to show future situations or things that we should stay away from.


It is about the gift of fully rely on the promises made by God, which do not yield in the face of any adverse circumstance.

gift of healing

It’s about the gift of praying for people who are sick either emotionally or physically, and have the ability to give them prompt healing through God.

miraculous powers

The power to do wonders or signs beyond natural laws and thus be able to show the presence and mighty power of God in any circumstance.


Being able to make a statement from God, in order to alert or encourage anyone to whom the message is sent.

discern spirits

To know the types of spirits that are found, to know if they come from God or not and determine what to do to fix it.

speak in different languages

It is not about studying languages ​​and learning them, this gift is shared by different people and it is about mastering a different language without having studied it before.

There is also the Gift of angelic tongues, these are words that only God can understand. They are granted for personal edification and to achieve a personal relationship with Him.


This is the special skill of transfer to others the truths of the gospelclearly teach the gospel to other Christian people.

Show the power and importance of the word of God to other people and get them to understand and profess it.

serve, help others

It’s about the gift to become sensitive to the needs of others in a special way. All the time they will feel. the desire to help them solve their problems.

These people have the ability to lighten the burdens of those around them. They will always have the right word of encouragement to lift them up.


show othershelp them grow in the gospel and lead them to the right path if they are people who have gone astray.

They feel good about caring for and nurturing others spiritually, God places people under their care because he knows what is best.

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