Introduction: The Egyptian pyramids are famous because they contain mummies from the ancient Egyptian empires. Westminster Abbey, in London, England, is renowned because the remains of English nobles and personalities rest there.

Arlington Cemetery in Washington, USA is revered as the honored resting place of many prominent Americans. Between the tomb of Christ and these places just mentioned there is as great a difference as there is between night and day. These places are famous for what they contain and attract thousands and thousands of people; while Christ’s tomb is famous for what it DOESN’T CONTAIN…


A. It is the backbone of the Christian faith (1 Cor. 15:3-4, 14, 17-20).
Note: Anastasis It is the Greek term used in various verses of the Bible to refer to the resurrection of Christ (literally ana: up and histemi: to stand up, from there rising).

The Christian concept of resurrection must be distinguished from the Greek and Jewish concepts. The Greeks thought that the body prevented true life, and they waited for the moment when the soul would be free. They conceived of life after death based on the immortality of the soul, and rejected the idea of ​​resurrection (see the mockery of Paul’s preaching in Acts 17:32).

The Jews were convinced of the values ​​of the body, and they thought that these would not be lost, so they waited for the resurrection, but they believed that it would be exactly the same body. The Christians thought that the body would be resurrected, but also transformed for a different life in the age to come (1 Cor. 15.42-54).

The resurrection of Jesus is abhorred by the devil, and has been attacked, mocked, denied, etc. This work of God is essential, vital to the Christian faith. For example:
1. The sepulcher of the leaders of many religions contains the remains of their founders, that of Christ is empty.
two. Just as Christ rose, the dead in Christ will rise.
3. It is the proof that our God is almighty, because he even defeated death.
Four. It is a testimony of eternal life, in contrast to eternal damnation.
b. It signifies the victory of Christ over the devil and his structure.
Note: When Christ rises he accomplishes several things at once:
1. Satan is defeated: On the cross Christ “spoiled principalities and powers…
two. Death is defeated: Christ destroyed through death the one who had the empire of death… Let us remember that the previous resurrections were in the mortal body, that is, they died again, but Christ rose and lives forever…
3. Take authority in heaven and on earth: God gave the authority on earth to Adam, but he lost it, and Christ recovers it and delegates it to his Church.
Four. Victory over sin: because the act that was contrary to us was annulled (generally on the crucified person a written testimony of the crime for which he had been convicted was placed).

A. Before his ascension he instructs the apostles, Hch. 1:1-11.
Note 1: For forty days Jesus instructs his disciples “speaking to them about the kingdom of God”, and appears to 500 brothers. We also observe that Jesus modifies the vision of his disciples, because before he had told them that his objective was the lost sheep of Israel, but now he sends them to the world, to the ends of the earth, being first baptized by the Holy Spirit (it is fundamental listen to God to walk in his different times).

Note 2: The disciples are real witnesses of the ascension of Jesus, he was raised (he did not rise), the Father took him (until the last moment he was subject to the will and times of the Father), Jesus bids them farewell: Luke 24:50- 53 (the Greek text does not present a rapid ascension… imagine that farewell) and ten days later the Holy Spirit is poured out on them… His second coming is also confirmed.
b. Christ returns to his state of glory, achieving complete salvation for his church.
Note: For example: he enters the heavenly sanctuary (here the Levitical high priest is a figure of Christ), the Holy Spirit is sent, Christ is our advocate and intercessor, he has gone to prepare a home for us, to arrange the awards for his church, he returns to his state of initial glory (he yearned for it: “Father, glorify me by your side, with that glory that I had with you before the world was”).

c. The glorified body of Jesus: 1 Cor. 15:39-40, 47-49.
Note: The vs. 39 makes a difference between the flesh (gr. sarx: flesh, physical body) of animals and that of human beings, this has to do with the design given for their living environment (beasts of burden, fish and birds), and vs. 40 makes a difference between the terrestrial body (Gr. soma: body, instrument of life; let us remember: neuma, sique, soma = man as tripartite being) (of the earth: of dust) and the celestial body (in heaven, of part of God) for their new living environment.

Scripture also tells us: “Beloved, now we are children of God, and what we shall be has not yet appeared; but we know that when he appears, we will be like him, because we will see him as he is ” (1 John 3:1-3), in that glorified body Jesus had bones and flesh; he took food; he was not subject to earthly laws such as matter and time (since he is not an earthly body but a heavenly one).
conclusion: Jesus resurrected defeating death, the devil, hell, sin and all curses, constituting himself Lord of heaven, earth, under the earth and will return for his church, establish his kingdom and we will reign with him.

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