Strong Prayer of Saint Benito de Abad to Bless the Miraculous Medal | Faithful to God

San Benito de Abad can be defined as a Saint who also intercedes to ward off bad energies and envy. Because his favors are based on protection, for this reason San Benito de Abad is asked to bless a miraculous medal. That is why a prayer full of fervor and above all belief in an Almighty God is used.

Powerful prayer of San Benito de Abad to bless the miraculous medal

These prayers for Saint Benito de Abad, are essential, and protection. Therefore, we will do the following, with the miraculous medal in hand:

dear and important,

Saint Benedict of Abbot.

I want to beg you for

middle of your intersection:

give me the assistance

to get the blessing

for the Miraculous Medal.

A medal that accompanies me today

around my neck.

taking care of me at all times

and protecting me from all evil.

But You are the Saint who blesses my life

and the people I love,

as well as those around me.

You deliver divine grace to my life,

necessary to move on.

Likewise, you grant me the blessings,

through compassion and love,

flooding my soul with good intentions.

That’s why no one but you

will bless in a better way,

My Miraculous Medal.

Through your Most Holy presence,

intersection of my God who

granted through the Holy Spirit,

the blessing I need for my protection.

Whenever I have difficult moments,

I pray to you, glorious San Benito de Abad.

Because you have the answer

since you are the prince of hermits.

That is why you are a Saint who listens to the

prayers and protects when necessary.

I lay before you all that I have,

to praise your action,

in the face of difficult causes.

I place my humility on the table

and trust of this

Humble server.

Getting the intersection,

What do I need before Almighty God?

and his son Jesus Christ.

protect me together

to the Miraculous Medal,

to protect me from all evil.

Guide me to be able to carry out the works

that are necessary,

and this under the contemplation

of the power of heaven.

Also help me

to be a godly person

who wants to take care of others

and overcome their own weaknesses.

because in the end

of the times of God,

they will come for us.

for the believers

and those who act

right. In order to enter

to the Kingdom of Heaven.

Bless this Medal,

what is the presence of God

Father and son, plus Holy Spirit

in my life.

Saint Benedict of Abbot!

You who always listen to me

I beg you kindly.

heeding the promise,

that God has for all those who in Him

Believe and be humble.

You are everyone’s friend

Saint Benedict of Nurgia,

how to forget your good deeds

that made you a saint.

that today they do that

my prayers are for you.

To get the blessing and

your sacred power over

My Miraculous Medal.

A medal that protects me,

and guide my steps.

Give me enough strength

to get ahead

in the face of any adversity.

I dedicate the 4 blessings to you,

that the Almighty brings,

for all the saints that

intercede in his cause.

Patron Saint, Benito de Abad,

I thank you for your disposition,

in life and in heaven for obeying

the blessed rule

In this way, you continue to serve the Lord.

What makes you different from everyone else,

because your humility and charity,

is still revered within

to the liking of men.

Although You have always respected,

the divine will. Right now

I assume that you have fulfilled

your mercy, the blessing on me

Miraculous Medal.

Today he declared that there is no earthly evil

and in the spiritual world that can affect

those around me.

I am protected from all evil

and nothing bad can happen.

Thank you, Saint Benedict for blessing me,

for taking care of me and above all,

for listening to my prayers.


Is this a powerful prayer of Saint Benedict against all evil?

The Catholic Church recognizes that San Benito de Abad can help Christians with any evil, giving them shelter. He is an intercessor, so that nothing happens at the moment of being in serious danger or approaching death. Therefore, this prayer may evil be near.

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