Story of the prayer ‘Under your shelter we take refuge and I confess’ | Faithful to God

Throughout history there have been prayers, songs and poems very beautiful dedicated to the Lord. Among them, the hymn of and the prayer of I confess. In turn, also known as ‘I a sinner’.

History of prayer Under your shelter we welcome

More than a prayer, it is a hymn, which is used by the Catholic Church. By position, including that of the Orthodox apostolic category. That is, for all those that have been established, following their respective laws.

Likewise, this beautiful song is shown for the first time, in a Greek text, around from the year 250 after Christ. Although, in a later period, another author from the same place comments that this prayer is from a century later.

A few years, after the controversy, a group of people arises, where they assure that the text is coptic liturgy. That is to say, to the Egyptians, but great families of Christian religious writing, belonging to Milan, Italy and Rome, assure that it comes from their writer ancestors.

But in addition to the text in Greek mode, the same hymn words in Egyptian, Armenian, Syriac, and Latin. A more curious fact is that one of the stones with the phrase, a title of ‘Praesidium’ was found. That nothing else is carved in war.

That is, in times of dispute and battles, since it was a way to make understand the type of message it was sending, including the circumstances of the writer.

Finally, the main Catholic church in France, took charge of create the anthem. Then, the Bajo tu amparo se welcome, dedicated to the Mother of Jesus, was used just at the end of the act of mass. For the fact that it fit like a spectacular closure.

History of the prayer I confess

This prayer also known as the Confiteor, was attended for the first time in the year 1063, at the mass of the treatise writer Bernold of Constance. Who died some time later, in 1100. It was later used in a somewhat different version in other masses of the Misereatur and Indulgentiam. Because they belonged to the Catholic religion.

But in the end it did come through, in Ordo Romanus XIV, with very little adjustment to his words. Which were decreed at the Third Council of Ravenna, in the year 1314. Likewise, already in the Middle Ages, the I confess, had its place in the list of the holy prayers. Well, he mentioned them in a considerable way.

Likewise, 200 years later, around 1570, the Confiteor was used, in catholic masses from various places, such as the Carmelites, Dominicans, among others. But using it very briefly, because it uniquely highlighted the phrase ‘Mea culpa’. Because of his position, with the call he made to the Saints.

In addition, several legally formed religious councils had the opportunity to enter your name. An example of this is that of San Francisco de Asís, and others like San Benito. But regardless of the Saint added, the meaning was unchanged.

Final prayer of the I confess and under your protection we welcome

To understand that , we must analyze its sentences. Due to the fact that, the Confiteor, it’s about regret, for the acts committed, either with the mind or through the senses. That is, in body and soul, and he is asked for reconciliation.

I confess before God, and before my brothers

that I have sinned in thought, word,

deed and omission.

Because of me, I pray to Holy Mary,

Virgin, to the angels, to the saints, to intercede

for me before God.

Under your protection we welcome, Holy Mother

of Jesus, do not dismiss our supplications,

Rather, deliver us from dangers,

Miraculous and blessed Virgin.

At the moment of praying, the person in charge says in question mode ‘Pray for us, Holy Mother of God’. The listeners then reply ‘So that we may be worthy to attain the promises of our Lord Jesus Christ. Amen’.

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