Spiritual Prayers for Santeria, Love, Cleansing and More

If you want to have on your side the most powerful prayers that help you to purify your soul and pave it for our Lord, nothing better than reciting each of these prayers, because they will help you along the way.

allow your thoughts find that harmony that you need so much and you can get the fortress inside you

Prayer for spiritual retreats

If you are in a retreat with your group of friends, do not hesitate to repeat these wonderful words to give Saint Cipriano the opportunity to occupy every corner of the environment with his peace.

Saint Cyprian of Prosperity,
of delivery in your love,
of your infinite mercy,
And grace without equal,
Fill us with your presence,
On this meeting afternoon,
Give us the strength we need so much,
In order to face each problem,
And fill our hearts with safety,
Calm and calm,
Because in Christ all things are possible,
And the adversities pass,
Like the wind between our hands,
I’m asking you,

Prayer for spiritual hygiene

Achieving purifying our heart can represent a difficult task, therefore it is essential to have invocations on hand that give us that tranquility that we so much need, that sincere purity.

Holy Father,
Once again I give myself to you,
at your word,
And to that infinite mercy,
That you possess and fill us with it,
purify my heart,
Cleanse my soul of any hate,
Anger or negative feeling,
That nothing bad can touch me,
And I can at all times continue,
fighting, believing,
Always on your way
On that path you have traced,
For me,

Prayer for spiritual help

Do not allow any sorrow to darken your days, pray this prayer constantly and find the best way to alleviate each of your ailments corporal.

mother of mercy,
You who listen to me
That you attend to each of my pleas,
That you are there in my needs,
Even in the most difficult
Let me be your pride
Take that essential step
Show you how much I trust you
And I want to follow in your footsteps
Help my soul
to reach the goal,
To reach the strength,
Not only of the body,
also of the spirit,

Prayer for spiritual cleansing

The pray It is always the best route that could be desired to opt for a positive change, to reach the goal that our spirit needs so much and that we must give it as believers.

Christ redeemer,
Give me your strength
Your feats on my hands,
To cleanse my spirit
And that of those who ask me,
who need my help,
from my advice,
From my guide, which is your path,
Let me have that will,
In order not to fall into temptation,
In order not to succumb to sadness,
And always keep the soul willing,
And may my spirit always be under your protection,
I beg you sir,

Prayer for catholic spiritual retreats

Among the best prayers catholic is the one we have for you today, where you can lean on the savior mother and in short words beg her for each of your sorrows and your needs.

Mary mother,
of hope and love,
Of that force that saves,
What a cure, what a help,
Of that incalculable love,
With whom the Most High grew,
I ask you at this moment,
that you blow on us,
All your divine power,
So that you don’t fall into temptation,
neither of the soul nor of the body,
Because you are the life
And the transformation of the heart,
Help us to always be like this,

Spiritual prayer for communion

God, once again it is present at the time of commune, therefore it is imperative to have within our reach a few simple words that bring us closer and above all prepare for that sublime moment, communion.

Saint Matthew,
Saint of great power,
Path of truth and sacrifice,
Enlighten my spirit I beg you,
By the time I make my communion,
Let me receive Christ in peace,
With an intact heart
without an iota of evil,
May it be your temple,
His strength at all times,
And I can feel
And be part of his infinite praises,
Of that limitless power of glory,
I’m asking you,

Spiritual prayer for santeria

Our Lord is there willing to listen to each of your expectations, your repentance, what you need and to be part of your path towards a better spirituality. Give it a chance with this invocation.

saints of heaven,
That guide us at all times,
That since the morning accompany us,
Allow us that breath of life,
That incalculable force,
Help us to reach happiness,
And that in this act we purify ourselves,
May our hearts reach greatness,
The essence of the father
And of his walk,
To continue,
to adore him,
All the eternity,
I’m asking you,

spiritual prayer for love

Since love is an unbreakable force, you need to have at your disposal that tool that prepares your soul so that you can achieve a genuine connection with that special person who occupies your thoughts.

Blessed Saint Anthony,
representative of love,
Of the most sublime of the heart,
of continuous delivery,
From the couple’s fight,
Fill my spirit with that feeling,
of that heat,
of what it represents,
and purify it,
To be worthy of the father,
of your love,
And that person’s,
essential in my life,
I’m asking you,

spiritual protection prayer

Once again the archangel Michael is present in our lives, with his sword he will free you from danger and will become your greatest strength, pray these lines every night before going to sleep for greater effectiveness.

San Miguel Arcangel,
Sword of fight and power,
protective helmet,
creator force,
And light that guides the path of many,
I pray in your name,
For you to grant me your protection,
Don’t let evil touch me
I didn’t manage to cause me any harm,
Take care of my spirit
Lest you succumb to sin,
Nor to ignorance,
Of not knowing where to go,
I beg,

christian spiritual prayer

Continuity at the time we pray is the key word to achieve an even more palpable and notorious effectiveness, open your heart, believe in every word you are saying and there the change will become.

Heart of Jesus Christ,
guard and custody,
You who defend us from evil,
From envy and bad vibes,
Teach me the value of your path,
of your goodness,
of your infinity,
In order to grow as a person,
As a daughter, as a mother, as a husband, as a son,
and that my spirit,
Find that stability that I long for,
That calm that is only found,
In every beat of your heart,
and of your goodness,

spiritual prayer for children

Teach the little ones at home, a prayer that transforms their days, that becomes part of their daily rosary, that they want to repeat it every day and above all, that they believe in its results.

Angel of my guard,
gentle guide,
Listen to me both night and day,
And don’t let me get lost without you
Guide me in every moment of my life,
In difficult times and in joy,
To be better, to give the best,
Having our creator in the heart,
In my soul,
Allow me to purify my interior,
And let it be an example of life,
From the smallest in actions,
Even those that transform living,
I’m asking you,

Discover all the wonders that this compendium of sentences, ideal to achieve that stillness and calm that our spirit has been needing, do not wait any longer to find that calm that you deserve so much.

For each situation you will find the best answer to your questions, and once again the route is traced in the path of the creator father.

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