sermons for christian women

Sermon Outlines for Christian Women designed to strengthen your faith and affirm you in your walk with God.

As Christian women, the Bible must be our guide at all times. Studying the Word of God helps us better understand the heart of the Father and his love for each one of us. Let the Bible always guide us, even in the midst of all the daily grind. Let’s study the Word of God.

1. Dressed for success

Theme: Allow God to transform us and help us to be a blessing.

Goal: That the Christian woman strengthen her spirit and receive the transformation that comes from God. May she purpose to positively impact her environment for the glory of God.

Biblical text: Proverbs 31:25-26

She is clothed with strength and dignity, and confidently faces the future. When she speaks, she speaks with wisdom; when she instructs, she does it with love.
(Proverbs 31:25-26)

Other verses that can serve as support: 1 Peter 3:3-4; Ephesians 6:10-18


Today’s society places a lot of emphasis on our external appearance: clothes, hair, makeup… How we look, what we wear, the brands we use is overvalued. How good to know that God does not notice that! Yes, he wants us to take care of ourselves, to eat well and monitor our health. But our heavenly Father is even more interested in our spiritual growth.

God longs for each of us to receive his love. His love fills us, transforms us, and enables us to bless others in his name. We do not do this in our own strength. We need to cultivate a daily fellowship with God and allow His Holy Spirit to fill us. When we open our hearts to his move, he begins to smooth out the rough edges in our lives and enables us to be a blessing to others. It may be a long and even painful process, but it is worth it.

Development of the topic

In the Bible there are some well-known verses that tell us about the woman who fears the Lord. They are found in Proverbs 31:10-31. Many women are intimidated by that chapter, because we see it as an endless list of tasks to do… However, that chapter actually contains the teachings of a mother for her son “King Lemuel”. In verses 1-9 she warns him about sexual immorality. The rest of the chapter talks about the virtuous woman who fears the Lord, the one who would be a good wife for King Lemuel.

It is in that section that we find the two base verses for our study today, verses 25-26.

She is clothed with strength and dignity, and confidently faces the future. When she speaks, she speaks with wisdom; when she instructs, she does it with love.
(Proverbs 31:25-26)

Let’s pay attention because here we find a dress that will make us shine and really succeed. Along with the armor of God in Ephesians 6:10-18, these two verses from Proverbs tell us about the best clothing we can wear. Here in Proverbs 31:25 we are told of strength, dignity and great security. Then in verse 26 we read about wisdom and loving instruction. Let’s look at each of the sentences in detail.

It is clothed with strength and dignity

The woman who fears the Lord is clothed with strength and dignity. What wonderful dresses! How many times do we go through life loaded with problems, thinking that we will not be able to get ahead? The worries of home and work, the social problems that surround us… We need to stop to pray and ask the Lord to give us his strength, that which helps us to fix our eyes on God and not on the problems or difficulties of life. life.

It is by pausing in his presence that we manage to feel the Lord’s embrace filling us with strength and encouragement. Our trust in him grows and we see things differently. We know that God can work and that he will do it in his due time. While we wait, we receive the necessary encouragement and strength to move forward with our heads held high, with dignity, trusting in our Dad. Because we know that in him we are complete (Colossians 2:9-10).

don’t fear the future

This woman does not fear the future, rather she faces it with confidence because she knows who is in control: her heavenly Father. Like a baby sleeping in her daddy’s protective arms, we can rest assured knowing that God holds our future in her hands. We know that he will work in the midst of any situation that we have to face. Our Father will help us come what may. Precious certainty!

In today’s society we hear about problems on the other side of the world almost as quickly as if they were happening in our own neighborhood. This can cause us anxiety: illnesses, wars, conflicts, unemployment… It can be too heavy a burden for us. Let us surrender all our concerns to the Lord. The future is in his hands. Let’s not worry about what we can’t control or don’t even know if it will happen. Let us trust in our Lord and rest in him.

speak wisely

What are the words that come out of our mouths like? Are they words of anxiety? Are they hurtful words? Are they gossip? Let’s evaluate our words! Let us seek the wisdom that comes from God and speak things that reflect his heart (James 3:17). Our words show our level of maturity in the Lord. As we grow in our walk with God our words will tend more to edify and bless.

The Bible says that out of the abundance of the heart the mouth speaks (Matthew 12:34-35). For this reason, if we want to speak with wisdom we need to fill our minds and hearts with the wisdom found in the Word of God. How much time do we spend a day reading things that do not build or watching series that do not give us much? Yes, it’s nice to have some downtime, but let’s not let our guard down. Let’s watch what we let into our minds and hearts.

Let’s look for things that build us up. Let us grow in the Lord and in the wisdom of him. Let’s read his Word!

What is the wisdom that comes from God according to the Bible

Teach with love and with kindness

Finally, the woman who fears the Lord not only grows in strength, dignity, security and wisdom, but also contributes to the lives of others by teaching them with love and kindness. We receive to give! We can teach with our words and with our actions. We can be an example of kindness and love to those around us. We can make a difference in this world!

We start with those closest to us: our family, our neighbors, the brothers of the church. From there, our influence extends to the people we work with and the neighborhood at large.

What do we teach others? Do we teach to say thank you and good afternoon? Do we honor others in our daily dealings? Do we speak blessing over others? There are many ways to teach, probably the best is with our actions. Let’s be kind and give love. We can impact others just by smiling and treating them with dignity. Let us not be lazy in giving what we would like to receive from others.


There are many good things we can contribute to this society. Let’s do them! Let us bless those around us, let us move in love. It is true that we will not achieve it alone. We will do it with the strength that the Lord gives us. May our desire be to clothe ourselves more with him every day, may his heart and his attitudes become our norm. Let us ask the Holy Spirit to fill us and enable us to impact our families and the society around us in the name of Jesus, with his love and his power.

7 Bible verses with tips for success

2. Woman: use your gifts!

Theme: We all have at least one gift given by God and he wants us to use it for the good of others.

Goal: Encourage women to discover and use their gifts for the edification of the church.

Biblical text: 1 Corinthians 12:4-11

Now, there are different gifts, but the same Spirit. There are different ways to serve, but the same Lord. There are various functions, but it is the same God who does all things in all.
Each one is given a special manifestation of the Spirit for the good of others. To some God gives by the Spirit the word of wisdom; to others, by the same Spirit, the word of knowledge; to others, faith through the same Spirit; to others, and by that same Spirit, gifts to heal the sick; to others, miraculous powers; to others, prophecy; to others, discerning spirits; to others, speaking in different tongues; and to others, to interpret tongues. All this is done by the same and only Spirit, who distributes to each one according to what he determines.
(1 Corinthians 12:4-11)

Other verses that can serve as support: Romans 12:6-8; Ephesians 4:7-13; Proverbs 31:16, 19-20


God has given all human beings a potential that we must use to help and build others. It is very sad to see a person waste his gifts because she gives in to life’s difficulties or addictions. Each of us, each daughter of God, has something precious to contribute to this society at this time. We are not here by chance: God has put us where we are for a purpose. Will we allow this to happen?

Development of the topic

Often when we talk about gifts and talents, we think of very successful people: famous preachers and evangelists or singers who have recorded records… However, the word “gift” means a gift or gift. A gift is an ability that God has given us and that we can spontaneously give to others. When we use our gifts we feel happy because we contribute to the welfare of others and the church in general.

Think, for example, of a time when you were very sad. You were going through a very hard season and you hardly had any emotional strength left to continue. You received a call from a friend. She listened to you, comforted you, prayed with you and when you finished talking to her you discovered that you felt much more animated and calm. Congratulations! You were the recipient of the gift of encouragement or exhortation (Romans 12:8).

Or maybe you remember a time when you were sick for several days and you had no groceries left in your cupboard. A sister from church heard that you had been feeling sick for several days and she came in one afternoon with a bag full of food and a container of warm chicken soup, ready to eat. The wonderful gift of service put into action!

Do you know your gifts? Could you list the things you do that make you feel happy and fulfilled? Something is renewed within our being when we use the gifts that God has given us. We have been designed to use them, to share them. To be more effective we must know the gifts that God gave us.

In the Bible we find several lists of gifts. The main ones are found in the books of Romans, Ephesians and 1 Corinthians. Some of the gifts mentioned in the Bible are the following:

  • Wisdom: being able to say and do the right thing, what is in accordance with the will of God, in a specific situation. (1 Corinthians 12:8; James 3:13-18; Ephesians 1:17; Psalm 111:10)
  • Knowledge: Supernaturally receive revelation about a situation or a person. (1 Corinthians 12:8; Proverbs 2:6; Psalm 119:66;…

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