Rejoice with the wife of your youth | restored

The advice is something very important in our lives, since it is for our own good, it is so that we can understand what can happen when we deviate from the purpose that the Lord has with us.

In the Bible we find various types of advice for us to be very careful in different aspects of our lives. In this article we will talk about the fidelity of a couple, and for that we chose the following verse from the book of Proverbs:

May your spring be blessed, and be glad with the wife of your youth,

Proverbs 5:18

What do these words mean? For many they may seem clear, but, in case it is not so clear, we can take a little look at the previous verses:

15 Drink the water from your own cistern, and the streams from your own well.

16 Will your fountains overflow through the streets, and your streams of water through the squares?

17 Let them be for you alone, and not for strangers with you.

Proverbs 5:15-1

The title of proverbs 5 is “Warning against impurity” and when you start reading it you find expressions such as “the lips of a strange woman”, “do not give your honor to strangers”, then in verse 15 it says “drink water from your own cistern” and finally in verse 18 he says “rejoice with the wife of your youth”.

All this means, beloved brother, that if you already have the woman God gave you, you don’t have to go looking for anything else. Throughout chapter 5 of proverbs he speaks of the consequences of infidelity and warns that its end is not good (verse 4).

We must take this advice and apply it, both the man and the woman, you have that partner that God gave you, so be happy with her, enjoy your intimacy together always while you have life on earth, because in another place there is nothing else to look for .

So, remember that when a man and a woman unite in marriage they are one flesh, let us walk fully and with purity, let us not contaminate that spring that God gave us but let us delight in it.

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