I am the light of the world, explanation, preach (Theme the light of the world)
Study text: John 8:12-20, Jesus is the light of the world.
Text to memorize: John 8:12 “Again Jesus spoke to them, saying, I am the light of the world; whoever follows me will not walk in darkness, but will have the light of life”
Jesus is the light of the world, he said: “I am the light of the world”
Let us try to reflect on Jesus as light, since Jesus is the light of the world, we must value the way in which we can bear witness as light in daily life. We as members of the church reaffirm that only by presenting a good testimony can we be light in the midst of darkness. Jesus Christ said “I am the light of the world”, but he also said “you are the light of the world” (Matthew 5:14)
I am the light of the world, John 8:12…Jesus is the light of the world
“I am the light of the world” (John 8:12, Jesus is the light of the world), is another of the texts where Jesus says “I am”; others are John 6:35 “I am the bread of life”, John 10:9 “I am the door”, John 10:11 “I am the good shepherd”, John 11:25 “I am the resurrection and the life ” (Also 1 John 5:20), John 14:6 “I am the way, the truth, and the life”, John 15:5 “I am the vine, you are the branches”; and lastly we mention John 8:12: “I am the light of the world.”
Jesus reaffirmed saying I am the light of the world
If any man, a mere man, spoke in this way, everyone would know that he was mad, yet Jesus repeatedly proved his testimony to be true. He reaffirmed that he was the light of the world (Jesus is the light of the world) saying “I am the light of the world” “Never has a man spoken like this man!” (John 7:46), and we can add that no man has ever had the moral purity, and the profound wisdom that he demonstrated before those who followed him.
Jesus is the light of the world because in Him was the Divine nature, Jesus is the light of the world, the manifestation of God himself, God is light and Jesus Christ said I am the light of the world. The source of all light, physical and spiritual, is God. He “dwells in unapproachable light” as seen in Exodus 24:17: “And the appearance of the glory of the LORD was like a burning fire on the top of the mount, and in the eyes of the children of Israel.” We can’t even look at the sun.
“Every good gift and every perfect gift comes down from above, from the father of lights, in whom there is no change, nor shadow of change” (James 1:17). Jesus Christ is the father of lights, He said I am the light of the world (Jesus is the light of the world).
The word darkness refers to all wickedness, ignorance, superstition, and the troubles and afflictions that are the fruit of these things. The prophet Isaiah said that “darkness shall cover the earth, and darkness the nations; but the LORD shall rise upon you, and his glory shall be seen upon you” (Isaiah 60:2).
Jesus is the light of the world
When speaking of the servant of Jehovah (Jesus is the light of the world, Isaiah 42:6) he says “I will make you…a light of the nations”. Isaiah 49:6 “I also gave you as a light to the nations, that you may be my salvation to the ends of the earth.” The church, by faith, believes in Jesus and testifies to being the light of the world, because Christ enlightened us and he shines in our lives, that is why he said “I am the light of the world”
Jesus is the light of the world, Christ is the source of all light, therefore he said I am the light of the world
As the sun that He created is the source of light, strength and energy of the physical world, so also Christ is the source of all light, Jesus is the light of the world, strength and spiritual energy, for which reason He said I am the light of the world. Jesus is our savior and mediator, our example to follow; the perfect teacher to light the way so that we do not walk in darkness (ignorance, sin).
Jesus is the light of the world, “That true light, which enlightens every man, came into this world.” Enlighten every man, because He is “the brightness of the glory of God” (Hebrews 1:3), without a doubt, Jesus is the light of the world, He himself said it “I am the light of the world” (John 8 :12)
Jesus is the light of the world, but how does Christ light our way? He said “I am the light of the world”
Jesus said: I am the light of the world, but how does it light our way?
I am the light of the world, because his word enlightens us
“The exposition of your words gives light; it makes the simple understand” (Psalm 119:130). “For the commandment is a lamp, and the teaching is light, and the rebukes that instruct you are the way of life” (Proverbs 6:23). Jesus said I am the light of the world, He wants to illuminate our life. Jesus is the light of the world.
It is necessary to understand the word of God, but it is also necessary that it be “on your heart” (Deuteronomy 6:6-7). Those who do not diligently teach their children neglect something more important than food, clothing, and physical health. Children and youth who have not been diligently taught will walk in darkness.
Those who walk in darkness suffer a life of misery, because they make bad decisions, make many mistakes and, even worse, lose their souls. For example, those who do not walk in the light have many marital problems, they divorce, they remarry, they fight over their children, and their life is continuous misery, but I remember that Jesus said “I am the light of the world”, Jesus is the light of the world.
Christ lights our way, because Jesus is the light of the world
“But you are a chosen lineage, a royal priesthood, a holy nation, a people acquired by God, that you may announce the virtues of him who called you out of darkness into his marvelous light” (1 Peter 2:9). Brothers and sisters, with our good testimony the darkness will never prevail, we are the burning torch. Paul says that we are like lights in the world (Philippians 2:15). Jesus said I am the light of the world and has made us shine like lights.
Jesus Christ lights our way, He said I am the light of the world
The gospel of Christ and the faithful lives of the saints (Philippians 2:15; 1 Peter 3:1-4), are the means that God uses to spread this light (Jesus is the light of the world). The work of the church is, then, to illuminate the path of men through exemplary lives and the teaching of the word of Christ.
“If our gospel is still hidden, it is hidden among those who are lost; in whom the god of this age has blinded the understanding of the unbelievers, so that the light of the gospel of the glory of Christ, who is the image of God” (2 Corinthians 4:3-4). Jesus said I am the light of the world and it must shine in us, because Jesus is the light of the world.
Jesus said I am the light of the world and there is no darkness in Him.
“God is light, and there is no darkness in him. If we say we have fellowship with him, and we walk in darkness, we lie, and do not practice the truth; but if we walk in the light, as he is in the light, we have fellowship with one another.” others, and the blood of Jesus Christ his Son cleanses us from all sin” (1 John 1:5-7). “Whoever loves his brother abides in the light, and in him there is no offense” (1 John 2:10)
In the darkness we can stumble, but Jesus said I am the light of the world and gives us security
Who can walk in darkness (ignorance, deception, sin) without stumbling? In the light there is safety (Psalm 119:105). There is danger in the darkness. Without light, holes, obstacles and beasts are invisible.
Jesus said in John 5:31 “If I bear witness about myself, my testimony is not true,” that is, it would not be true if it were independent of the Father’s testimony. Here in John 8:14 he says that his testimony is true because “it is not I alone, but I and he that sent me, the Father” (John 8:16).
Of course, the testimony of Christ is always true, but He emphasizes his unity with the Father and that the Father confirms the testimony of the Son, but you do not know where I come from or where I am going. Therefore, they were not able to judge him. Jesus, being the manifestation of God, could infallibly testify of the things of God.
“For in Him dwells bodily all the fullness of God.” By rejecting Christ they showed that they did not know God.
These words Jesus spoke in the place of offerings, the most public place in the temple, near the place where the Sanhedrin met. This shows the courage of the Lord. He did not hide from his enemies. “This has not been done in some corner” (Acts 26:26)
Teaching in the temple, no one rebuked him, because his time had not yet come. John 7:32 says that “the chief priests and the Pharisees sent officers to rebuke him.” John 7:45 says that the bailiffs did not bring him, but said “Never has a man spoken like this man!
Here is Jesus in their presence, they could easily hear his teaching, but they no longer raised their finger to seize him.
Conclusion on Jesus is the light of the world
We must recognize that Jesus has enlightened us after being in darkness. If we have been enlightened by Christ, we must assume our responsibility to be children of light for the other people who surround us daily in the different communities where we live and move.
My beloved brothers, Jesus is the true testimony. He is the true light (John 1:9). As such, he removes the darkness and directs the path of the upright to God and, therefore, they will achieve salvation (John 1: 6-7)