Prayer to the Virgen del Carmen for difficult times

The day of the Virgen del Carmen on July 16, when believers celebrate the feast of Carmen. Currently this Virgin is recognized as the patron saint of the sea and the Navy in Spain, of the Army of the former in Argentina, Peru and Chile, in the latter country she is also the patron saint of the Armed Forces and Carabineros. Lastly, in Bolivia she is the patron saint of carriers and drivers.

All these people pray the prayer to the Virgen del Carmen to ask for protection and help in difficult times. But you don’t have to be a carrier or a member of the Navy to say a beautiful prayer to the Virgen del Carmen. But before this you must know if history.

History of the Virgin of Carmen

The Virgen del Carmen is the Virgin Mary, Mother of Jesus and of course, also Our Mother. As you may already know, the different names or invocations depend on the place and the message that it brings. In particular, the Virgen del Carmen receives her name from Mount Carmel.

The biography of the Virgen del Carmen begins in the First Book of Kingswhere is the prophet Elijah, the droughts and sacrifices that were offered on Mount Carmel. The prophet Elijah promised God that the king and all the people would abandon the god Baal so that the droughts would cease. From this moment on, Mount Camelo was a sacred place, a space for prayer and praying for those who over time were called Carmelites. From this moment on, the Virgin Mary began to be invoked with the name of Santísima Virgen del Monte Carmelo, later shortened to Virgen del Carmen.

Images of the Virgen del Carmen: what are they like?

Generally the prayer of the Virgen del Carmen is accompanied by images of this Virgin. But how is Our Lady of Carmen represented? Well, like all virgins has a serene look, usually his head is slightly tilted as a gesture of kindness and humility. She has a golden crown with a halo. Her clothing is simple, she has a brown tunic and a large white or light brown scarf that covers her shoulders and head.

Also carries in one of her arms the baby Jesus who can wear a completely white tunic or combined with purple, although in some representations he is also dressed in light red or blue. Both characters carry images of hanging crosses in their hands as an offering.

Miracles of the Virgin of Carmen

You already know who the Virgen del Carmen is

Prayer to Our Lady of Carmen

If you feel that you need to go to the Virgin Carmen you can use a prayer for difficult times. Don’t be afraid to trust this Virgin for a little help, but remember that in addition to praying this prayer in difficult times, then be thankful for everything that was given to you in those difficult times. This prayer to the Virgen del Carmen for difficult cases will give you a hand.

Our Lady of Carmen will be willing to help you and will always want the best for you, but there is nothing more beautiful than thanking and responding with good actions, help those most in need.put your ear when a friend needs help and change those negative attitudes that can cause problems for both you and your loved ones.

Enjoy this prayer to the Virgen del Carmen for difficult times!

I have a thousand difficulties: help me.
From the enemies of the soul: save me.
In my mistakes: enlighten me.
In my doubts and sorrows: comfort me.
In my illnesses: strengthen me.
When they despise me: encourage me.
In temptations: defend me.
In difficult hours: comfort me.
With your maternal heart: love me.
With your immense power: protect me.
And in your arms when you expire: receive me.
Virgin of Carmen, pray for us.

Never stop taking into account this prayer of the Virgen del Carmen when you have difficult moments!

Prayers to other saints

If you have complications in your life you can always rely on the Saints for a little push. They will not do everything for you but they will be very helpful to improve in love, work and even to activate the economic aspect. A prayer and doing everything on your part can be the beginning of a better life.

  • To San Cipriano. If you need financial help or protection in any aspect, you can trust San Cipriano, you just have to say a prayer to ask for help.
  • To San Antonio. The saint of love can help you find a partner or improve the relationship if you already have one. Trust and be positive to get the best results.
  • To Saint Benedict. This saint can not only help you in love, but can also help you at work or to ward off someone negative.
  • To the holy spirit. This phrase is ideal for when difficult times cry out for a little prosperity. The holy spirit can help you.
  • To Saint John of God. This is special to recover sick people. Saint John of God will help you.

Do you pray to the virgin?

What is your header virgin?

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