? Powerful Prayer to Our Lady of Mount Carmel for the Dead – Faithful to God

If there is something to which you are terrified at that moment, it is just to leave this world. This will become the cruelest moment for the human heart. Everyone is left with an anguish to know if the person who dies got to heaven. So today we will use a powerful prayer to the Virgen del Carmen for the deceased to obtain mercy for their soul.

The Virgen del Carmen stands out as a beautiful protective Virgin, known throughout Latin America for being the protector of drivers, fishermen, and the navy. And recognized as the Holy Mother by all, therefore, protection is one of her great virtues.

She is one of the Virgins who has planted in many people an incomparable Catholic belief, many people ratify and pay promises to her placing the “.

Prayer to ask for the soul of the deceased to the Virgen del Carmen

In particular, I have a very close case that I was able to verify with my own eyes, of a miracle granted by the Virgen del Carmen, confirming once again what has been said many times, that when we witness this type of miracle our belief is strengthened by 10.

do this powerful prayer to the Virgen del Carmen for the deceased to see miracles happen.

Merciful, protector of souls, Virgin of Carmen

you who know about protection, join me in one of the moments

hardest of my life.

Give us the strength we need to all who feel

andThis pain so great. Even if they are strangers.

Though I know it’s in my heart

and people die when they forget,

get rid of the physical part and not see it

Every day it hurts a lot.

Although he is no longer physically present,

I can’t imagine as it is to get used to his departure.

I can’t imagine dear Virgen del Carmen

How is a life without that person so special to me.

That’s why I ask you for protection and peace to my heart Virgen del Carmen.

Because that person is no longer here, it hurts me.

But above all beloved protective Virgin,

unconditional friend of Carmen.

I need to pray to you for guidance to his soul to heaven,

May God understand all your sins and may Jesus

Receive them in your merciful arms.

May the holy gates of heaven open

so that your soul can be close to God.

Be merciful, teach him how to ask for forgiveness

and how to repent if necessary

Because none of us are prepared to die.

Virgen del Carmen I implore for your spiritual guide

to the soul of the person who has descended from this world.

Let him know that everything will be much better.

So that you have no fear in your heart.

Send him a lot of messages of love and peace to your soul

let him know that we love him here and we will be fine.

Because at the right hand of the Lord there should be no concern.

Although we do not know where we go when we die,

We blindly believe that everything will be fine.

I need your kind and kind presence before him

and do not feel any fear because

where the children of the Lord rest

everything will be fine in peace and calm.

I give thanks for so much love Virgen del Carmen

Because you are always willing to help.

I appreciate everything you do for the soul of my loved one

and I know that they cannot be in better hands than yours.


The Virgen del Carmen fortress – Guide and protection

Just as ours does it with the drivers, protecting them from all evil, in the same way it will do it, guiding the soul of our loved one to the Kingdom of heaven. He will intercede before his repentance, before the final judgment in this way God in his mercy will forgive his sins.

This prayer will also give us understanding and wisdom to endure such a difficult time What is the loss of a loved one like? The eternal life that God promised everyone is on the condition of repentance and his mercy. You should not worry because that person must be entering heaven or at the right hand of the Lord.

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