Prayer to the Lord of Mercy for Protection – Faithful to God

There is strong scientific evidence that faith and prayer can help us experience greater physical, mental and psychological health. In addition, many studies have been published in medical and psychological journals that support the positive effects of prayer and faith, so you can make a prayer to the Lord of Mercy.

It is important to mention that some of the studies related to prayer have mixed results depending on the type of sentence, demographics and methods and means that their effects were measured. Therefore, it is important to follow these studies with a critical mind in order to see why they came to their conclusions. But, in general, most of the conclusions support the positive influences of and faith in human health and functioning.

Physician and researcher Larry Dossey, MD, in his book “Prayer Is Good Medicine,” discusses how to pray for yourself and others. others may have a scientifically measurable healing effect on disease and trauma.

Powerful prayers for protection

It is important that at all times, you can lift a prayer to the Lord of Mercy, so that in this way, He helps you overcome any problem you are facing. God has always wanted to help you and that is not going to change, so you just have to have faith that He can work in you and bring you forward.

Christ is with me, Christ within me,

Be Christ behind me, Christ before me,

Christ by my side, Christ to win me,

Christ to comfort and restore me.

Almighty Lord, I always ask you to accompany me

And may your mercy always be in my life

You are faithful to keep your promises

And your words in me.

God of mercy, Help me when I need it most

And make your fire and power be always present in my life

In the midst of difficulties.

Christ in the hearts of all who love me,

You are the one who is always with us.

I bind myself the Name, the Name

Trinity Fort;

By calling them.

The Three in One, and One in Three,

From whom all nature has creation,

Eternal Father, Spirit, Word:

Praised be the Lord of my salvation, The

Salvation is from Christ the Lord.

Grant, oh Lord, your protection

and that protection gives us strength

also give us understanding

and understanding, knowledge.

Grant us the knowledge of righteousness

Grant us her love

We believe that you can do it all

And that nothing escapes you.

The cross of Christ be with me;

So that you can overcome all water and all fire;

The cross of Christ defeats all weapons;

And it’s a perfect sign

and a blessing to my soul.

that Christ is with me

and with my body throughout my life.

By day and by night.

Now I pray, I pray to God the Father

for the good of the soul,

and pray to God the Son for the love of the Father,

and pray to God the Holy Spirit

for the love of the Father and the Son.

Pray to God the Holy Spirit

for the love of the Father and the Son, to

that the holy name of God

bless me against all bad things,

words and deeds.


The power and importance of prayer

You should know that as we expand, we must focus on the unity of humanity as a species, and in this way, we must form and find groups that foster acceptance, productivity, positivity, responsibility, tolerance and physical and emotional health, that is why we must make a beautiful prayer to the Lord of Mercy.

Consequently, you should join groups and institutions that embrace science and wisdom and look at spirituality as a whole. Try not to be attached to any specific group, just connect, learn and grow, so that your spiritual life grows with you. Find the positive you can get by being objective and aware of any red flags. This will help you with your growth process.

In the end,. It is important for you to know that if they are used with knowledge, awareness and the right intention, they can benefit you.

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