Prayer to say goodbye to my deceased or dying dog or pet – Faithful to God

Without being exaggerated, it is always said that man’s best friend is animals. It is very true that they are an excellent option to have as a family, the same people say that the fidelity of pets has no comparison. It is also mentioned that , that is why we bring a prayer to say goodbye to a dead dog or any other deceased pet.

Who has pet in their homes You must treat her with love, they are raised in the way that you can teach it. In fact, they can understand more than the human being, their difference is that they do not know how to speak. They are cute and cuddly. But it’s sad when you have to say goodbye to a deceased pet.

They are animals that we must value and appreciate, because they also feel the same as one, they suffer and cry. They are fragile and innocent at the same time. That is why it is good that when there is a dead dog or any other deceased pet, pray for it, this action is very applied in Christianity, as it helps to say goodbye to a pet and so that its soul can go in peace.

Prayer to say goodbye to a deceased pet and ask for his soul

The first thing we do is mourn our dog that is dying, then when it dies we proceed to say goodbye to the deceased pet, bury it and for long days, perhaps even months, it continues in the memories and sadness in our hearts. but we have one prayer to say goodbye to a pet, which can be deceased puppies or any other deceased pet. This will help you in these difficult times.

Father in your majestic name, I cry out to you.

So that you are the one who can give me the strength

to fire a pet.

Without a doubt, he was like a son to me, (My dead dog or deceased puppies).

I ask my lord that you be the one to take him with you before your presence,

I want to one day see him again in the afterlife.

I ask you my lord, this sadness overwhelms my life,

today that my dog ​​died, I feel bad about it, but I know he will be in a better place.

Give me a lot of understanding and strengthen your mother that I see her a little sad, so that she can also say goodbye to him in a very calm way (my dog ​​who died).

Help us to endure and overcome this sudden death of my pet.

It is not fair that noble and happy beings die on earth.

I ask you my God, so that my little animal (My dead dog or my deceased puppies) be light there in heaven.

From now and forever my God.

Receive him in your arms with much love and tenderness,

today he has left me, but he trusted that you

you will give a good place there in heaven to my deceased pet, (my dog ​​that died)

That nice and beautiful place full of colors,

I ask you my God, he was my companion and friend of my children.

The house feels empty without my dead dog.

That pretty name we put on it,

That’s what I want you to call him up there in heaven.

May your mercy and kindness be with (my dog ​​who died.

You know the pain we are feeling, strengthen us, Lord, help us say goodbye to a deceased pet.

Take care of him there and tell him how much we love him.

We will remember him with much love and affection.

Play with him, because he quite liked that.

He will be a good friend to you, don’t doubt it.

Here it was not a simple animal,

It was one more being with whom to share.

Oh my lord take away the sadness of my pet’s death.

Have mercy and strengthen us every day.

I will not find another like him, because he was unique.

My beloved deceased pet (dead dog) I will miss you always, but I will remember you with love.

Today my heart and that of my children are saddened by his departure, because it hurts a lot to say goodbye to a pet.

That is not repaired, but only you, my Father God, strengthen us in all difficult times.

In your love and mercy I will always love you.

You my dead dog I know you will be in a better place next to my lord,

he needed you there, that’s why I’m taking you.

I will always look up to heaven to see you and trust that you are well, enjoying how wonderful this is.

My dog ​​who died, my son of the soul.

Thank you my lord for these beings

as magnificent as the animals are.


In the parts that are in parentheses you can name them in case your deceased pet is a dog. When you finish make the sign of the cross.

Help your pets with the prayer for deceased puppies

Pets are , which are found all over the world, but they deserve to be loved and respected by mankind. They are faithful. At present there are people who still do not know of love and affection towards them. Although they are animals, well they are called, they are living beings, who express emotions and feelings. Therefore, They deserve our value and appreciation.

That is why there is a prayer in order to cry out to them when they die, so that it is the Lord Jesus Christ who receives them and shelters them there in heaven, so that they go in peace. Is prayer for deceased puppies or any other deceased pet. It will help a lot to people who had pets and have already passed away. It’s painful, but they’ll be in a better place.

It should be noted that the prayer we have given you is in order to say goodbye to a dead pet or dog, not for a dog that is dying, in case it has not died you can make a prayer to San Roque to cure the disease that could be affecting you.

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