Prayer to San Marcos de León to tame and dominate enemies – Faithful to God

The Prayer of the gospel of Marcos de León for tame and dominate. In addition to winning against enemies, It will help keep away those who intend to see you defeated.

Envy, hatred, resentment, lust, and endless impure feelings that have become part of millions of hearts. Thanks to the wickedness of the enemy Satan who has taken over the world, because men to get away from God’s way.

People we see, hearts we don’t know. We surround ourselves without realizing it with a bunch of hypocrites and fakes who give us a face from the front and from behind in the hands of the Devil who try to drive the stake into us without mercy. Ask for protection through a prayer to the To the saints and to Almighty God himself, it is a good choice of .

Prayer to San Marcos de León to tame and dominate your enemies

His victory in the fight against that beast, the tiger, gave him the name San Marcos de León. Secretary of Saint Peter, he left this prayer or phrase to the world. Your enemy, the Devil as a roaring Lion, circles around you locating who to attack.

Seek protection in prayer to San Marcos de León to drive away, tame and dominate, in addition win against enemies. Pray it with faith and from the bottom of your heart implore to keep them away from your path. The Devil seeks to enter your life, he studies you and observes you to detect your weaknesses, attack and seize you.

Triumphant and winner of Battles,

Saint Mark of Leon, Saint and warrior,

to be dominant of beasts and wild beasts,

tamer of brave bulls and tamer.

Also one of the most terrible and indomitable,

beings of violence and evil. You, what did you love

the dredger and the dragon in deserts and mountains,

tame also my enemies.

To those evil beings that surround my life,

who want to see me defeated

and sunk in the shadows of sin.

Put my enemies at my feet,

humiliate them before my eyes, just as he humbled himself

Christ before Pilate, without the need for ill-treatment.

Qcome to me like

humble sheep, faithful lambs of the will,

of God to give and receive love on the earthly plane.

Allow them, San Marcos de León, to cleanse their thoughts,

of baseness from hell, of darkness of darkness and

of perversions of the evil one.

That scares hate, envy, resentment,

revenge and evil. Ppurify your soul

and fill your heart with love,

so that it may be the will of God.

Do not separate you from my side,

guide my steps and may healthy feelings abound

and pure within my soul,

in order to drive away and defeat the enemies of my path.

So make me a humble and kind being,

and remove enmities from those,

that surround me

I trust you, that all evil that can be sent,

and desired against me,

will be removed by your holiness,

because you cover me with your mantle.

You, San Marcos de León, defend me with your

fighting Weapons, you protect me from evil,

I trust you with faith and devotion.

Allow with this prayer to tame and dominate

also my feelings

to walk on paths and mountains,

bathed in your grace, without temptations that can

stray from the way of the Lord.

And if temptation wants to walk by my side,

make me strong and determined.

The same to chase him away and continue professing,

your word of peace and love.

Keep me away from evil people disguised as lambs,

I know that your power is great, that’s why I implore before you.

San Marcos de León to tame and win,

my enemies under God’s will



Ask San Marcos not to fall into defeat

The prayer that we have given you serves to tame and dominate your enemies, those who want in some way to make you damage or lose on any difficulty. With it, what is asked is that the saint intercede for you before Jesus, our Lord, so that he moves away and does not allow bad people to send you or create problems in your life. In the same way, San Marcos de León helps you so that you do not fall into defeat, because the aforementioned prayer also gives you protection.

But for you to reinforce this prayer you can say with faith to the mentioned saint the following. Do not allow yourself to fall defeated before the evil of the Enemiesthis you can do after you finish the first prayer we have given you.

How to use prayer to tame the enemy of San Marcos?

Making this prayer is as simple as that of Saint John the Baptist, the first thing you have to do is place yourself in a place of complete silence and tranquility. When you get it you must proceed to kneel down and make the sign of the cross. After that he begins to read the complete sentence when you finish it say ‘Do not let me fall defeated before the evil of the enemies’. Lastly, make the sign of the cross. You can ask this San Marcos de León, just as you ask God and the Virgin Mary every day.

Jesus in his infinite goodness will always want the best for you and your family, as his children that we are. But we well know that Satan walks around looking for weakness and little faith to attack and dominate.

If we read the Bible, we follow its commandments, we profess the word of God, we know about him and his wisdom, Our Lord will never abandon us. Blessings and miracles are about to fall on you, ask with faith, implore prosperity, abundance, happiness and love. Use prayer to communicate with our heavenly Father and through San Marcos de León find protection against your enemies.

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