Prayer to San Judas Tadeo to Pass a University Exam – Faithful to God

University studies are very necessary, they are an essential tool to face the world. But you also have to accept the fact that as important as it is, it’s also complicated. Sometimes we come across evaluations that present a very high difficultywe think we have no chance to get out with good grades.

However, you must not forget that we can pray, because then let’s make a prayer to San Judas Tadeo to pass a university exam.

it is Patron of difficult and impossible causes. Many are the faithful around the world and the number of miracles he has performed is impressive. If we join the people who constantly praise and glorify this Saint, we will have his blessing and there will be no problem, no situation that we cannot control and come out in the best way.

Prayer to San Judas Tadeo to pass a university exam

In life, God will give us many tests and we may not be able to overcome them all, but we must try with strength and perseverance. However, the idea is to overcome as many as possible.

In the case of a university exam, it would be a type of test for our intellect, here it will be tested if we are responsible, if we study and if we really put effort into it. Despite this, sometimes all of the above is not enough, that is why we will ask that may our intellect be blessed.

Benevolent San Judas Tadeo,

who bears the name of the traitor to Jesus,

but with a totally different heart.

You were a brother to the Savior

and many are the people who praise you,

but not only for your work as an apostle,

but for your miracles.

with faith you pray

and with faith your blessing is received,

blessing given to the desperate,

to those with problems

They think they have no solution.

Yet you intercede before Christ

and you bring his divine power.

I have always fought for my goals,

I have never given up.

I am constant and I try to do things well,

But I find myself facing an immense wall

that has stopped my walk

and has broken my will.

Soon I will face an exam at my university,

I see it very difficult to be victorious,

but that’s because I’m trying alone.

But now that I am addressing you and awaiting your blessing,

an aura of peace has come to me

who does not allow worry to disturb me.

In so many impossible cases you have intervened,

It’s hard for me not to be hopeful.

I know that you will accompany me in my study

and you will bring the grace of Christ

to my eyes and my mind,

so that everything remains embodied in my memory.

There will be nothing that will not allow me to move on,

I trust in your greatness Saint Jude.

Also, being one of the 12,

So close to Christ

shows that in the same way

you are close to his divinity.

Even after life

you serve the majestic Messiah,

as well as I hope to serve you too.

And how not to do it

If through your blessing I have been given so much

and it will continue to be given to me whenever I ask.

As I kept my prayer,

this giant wall that I observed from the beginning,

got smaller and smaller,

Now I just have to make an effort to pass it.

I thank you for your blessing

given through you by Christ Jesus.


Let us ask because our friends approve

Let’s not leave aside our great friends, those brothers from another mother, they could also be facing very tough exams, so let’s do a .

In addition to providing support in the different tests that may arise, this prayer will also help you in many aspects, since it is focused on an overall blessing.

However, it is up to us to add words or phrases that specify a little contribution.

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