? Prayer to San Alejo to Away Bad Neighbors – Faithful to God

These types of rules are not only physical or hygiene, they are rules of basically having values ​​but, for those who have the unwanted neighbor, there is the prayer to San Alejo to ward off bad neighbors. Already that type of situation in a world away from the word of God, it became normal to achieve.

Moving to an apartment or house, when it comes to meeting your neighbors you realize that they do not know the rules of coexistence that we all must to keep ourselves in a healthy environment. Personally, I have always believed that we should not confuse being nice with confidence that a person is given. This way we prevent anyone who approaches you from harming you.

The ones that normally cause the most damage are the envious neighbors, even if you don’t have anything from the other world in your house, they need to come in to criticize. Another of the qualities of bad neighbors is to get involved in gossip that will roll for about 20 more blocks at home, of the people he cares about and the ones he doesn’t.

Powerful prayer to San Alejo that would distance bad neighbors and envious people

If you got some bad neighbors, you offered them your friendship by mistake without realizing that it was the wrong people to do it, we still have the tool of prayer to San Alejo to ward off bad neighbors.

You must use it so that your house is filled with blessings, remember that the It would also be very good for you. If you want to make this prayer to Saint Alejo, you just have to fill your heart with love and ask for repentance in addition to the forgiveness that you can grant to this person, now repeat with me:

Beloved and powerful Saint Alejo, today I come to trust you with my prayers.

The need I have to beg for your protection at all times,

so that you do not allow bad energies to enter my life much less

my home.

Although these people are very close,

protect us from their reckless tongue and insolent deeds.

I ask you San Alejo, because you keep away my bad neighbors and the people

toxic around me.

Don’t let his evil have power over my life,

because there is no power better than yours.

Make me strong to endure falsehood and hypocrisy when I have to see it.

There is no better protection for me than turning to you in these difficult times.

Powerful Saint Alejo, you know everything and can see what exists

in the heart of each person.

Let every bad person know, that I have

a superior force protecting me at every moment.

That they do not feel like having a bond of any kind with me and my family.

Shut up your mouth that only speaks infamies, they create enemies

and make false friends.

Take away the power of evil, because you can illuminate where darkness exists.

You are valuable and your will is powerful because everything you touch transforms.

I ask that your hearts have repentance and stop seeking evil.

May God forgive them for all the bad things they do and say.

Discord is not good, so I implore you not to come near me.

Beloved San Alejo, there is no better intersection than yours

who will grant all these favors.

Thank you for listening to me and because you always

you are present in my life at all times

Take care of me from all evil, San Alejo in your Holy name shelter me.


Forgive people who act in bad faith

If we keep pride or hatred for these types of people, it is not worth it, we will be filling our hearts with senseless hatred that will not lead to anything good. So let’s be tolerant, you can get away from them but and also beg for them to repent before our Lord.

What should interest us it is what we bring in our hearts to give. Always regardless of the mistreatment or anguish that they cause us, we must fill ourselves with love.

That we will achieve with wisdom and knowing how to forgive even if many times they do not ask us for an apology. We’ll be fine with the only one that’s important, our God, And that’s the only thing that counts.

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