Prayer To Saint Peter “Cover Me With Your Mantle To Release Magic” – Faithful to God

He was one of the most faithful apostles of Jesus Christ, for which he earned a very special place within the Catholic Church. Not only in his formation but through time and centuries to come. His work hand in hand with Jesus Christ had a strong impact that made him become the first Pope of the Catholic Church. let’s order in Prayer to Saint Peter “Cover me with your mantle to release magic”.

Untying ties and getting rid of the enemy’s magic is something that only God can achieve. Through his saints we can request intercession so that evil spirits and bad intentions of people stay away from our lives. Thanks to the divine will be our Lord Almighty.

Saint Peter was called Simon

When Jesus Christ began to choose his disciples, Andrew, a friend of Simon, told him: “Come, Jesus wants to meet you.” Then Jesus, seeing Simon, said to him: “From now on you will be called Peter”. From that moment Jesus took possession of his new disciple, who by standing out among all earned familiarity and the trust of jesus.

Peter was a fisherman and after a long night of work without being able to catch anything, Jesus performed his first miracle before him. Jesus got into the boat and told him to drop the nets. Peter obeyed and the catch was so great that the nets broke, thus moving all the fishermen. We commend this Prayer to Saint Peter “Cover me with your mantle to release magic” and cover myself from the enemy.

Glorious Saint Peter

Prince of the Apostles

and the Catholic Church,

noble and humble fisherman, able and honorable man.

Today I glorify your presence

and I give you in these prayers

my sincere devotion

in the name of Almighty God.

Your obedience before Christ

and more faithful friendship towards him,

made you special

among his disciples.

You also gained trust

and divine mercy

of our Heavenly Father

for the example you gave before Jesus Christ, his son.

because you were a faithful watchman

as shepherd of the flock entrusted to you,

you were called by the Savior “Fisher of Men”

and received the title of foundation stone of the Church.

Today I glorify your name

and on my knees before you,

I beg you to listen

my request.

Hear my call and intercede before God

for my needs I resort to your humble kindness,

for you to protect my life and my humanity

of all that danger that can disturb me.

Get them out of my way and cancel all evil.

You have the custodian of the keys

from the gates of heaven

and just as you guard the entrance to that Kingdom,

I ask you to protect my life.

Also do not allow

that between magic, sin, temptation, hate

and the bad feelings

that can hinder the path to eternal life.

Deliver me Blessed Saint Peter

of all evil that stalks me,

bless my path, my house, my family,

my ways, my mind and my heart.

That the perversions of the enemy

can’t get to me,

because your protective cloak

It will be an impenetrable barrier against any attack.

Protect me from evils, diseases,

drive away all spell or enchantment,

magic, falsehood, selfishness, rancor;

destroy barriers, chains, prisons

and clear my way to travel in peace

in obedience to my beloved God.

Oh my dear Peter!

respond to my request,

lend me your special favor of telling God

of my desire to be free in praise of his teachings.

Finally watch and take care

of all of us as children of God.

I beg you on behalf

of our Lord Jesus Christ.


Prayer to Saint Peter “Cover me with your mantle to release magic”

Jesus encouraged his disciples to pray constantly to increase their faith and be strong in times of trials and battles. But in the Garden of Gethsemane, three of his disciples fell asleep, neglecting his faith and letting themselves be overcome by sleep. Thus prayer is the best weapon to fight against temptations and .

Saint Peter, despite having denied Jesus Christ three times. He was forgiven when the Savior wanted and appeared after resurrecting to tell him that he forgave him. Wonderful teaching on repentance and forgiveness. Brother, do not walk away from prayer, trust in God and in the mercy of Saint Peter.

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