Prayer to Saint John Paul II to Help Heal the Sick – Faithful to God

Start your day praying for the third party healing it is one of the things that you can do calmly right now, that act of love is an opportunity to ask and care for your neighbor, in particular, I invite you to recite this prayer to Saint John Paul II to help heal the sick.

Now, this is necessary for every person who is going through a delicate moment of health, it is necessary and obligatory entrust yourself to this missionary that he was a faithful believer full of followers who loved and appreciated him for all his works in life.

He is a born interceptor to God, Christ and the Holy Spirit, you do not require another person so that your words are heard in the Kingdom of Heaven and the glory of God the Father is only for you and no one else.

Another suggested prayer:

Prayer to Saint John Paul II for people with serious illnesses

Always keep in mind that the faith of God is one of the blessings that every human being can enjoy for you and with you, our Father wants the best for us and others, so if you have an acquaintance or family member who is going through moments of sickness this prayer to Saint John Paul II to help heal the sick is useful.

You must keep in mind that this, linked with the help of a professional in the sector, will be the basis for your situation or that of your relatives to improve:

Patron Saint of my devotion,


Today I come with a worried mind

I have a special person

very ill and in serious condition.

That person is part of my family members,

we have already done

everything we could humanly do

and the situation does not change for the better.

I feel sad, I don’t know who to turn to anymore.

I ask you to listen these words

to help this particular family member get better

Be my intercept

with God so that everything changes for the better.

Today I care about his physical condition

and mental health.

This prayer I just want you to use

as the supreme redeemer and healer.

I do not ask for an impossible miracle,

I know that God has the ultimate power

to overcome and improve everything.

I implore you to be the leader and the Patron

that changes every moment.

I only ask you,

your blessing will support me

until the last of my days.


I also want you to protect me

today I am the strength and head of the family,

don’t let my health and energy decline.

Rather let me have greater strength

in order to achieve the best of the best.

I will take care of my family as best I can, San Juan.

Give me the light

give me the divine sign that I am doing the right thing.

I will have faith and fight at all times for my family.

I ask you to take care of that sick person in my family

that is in that state of gravity

and also protects all the sick in the world.

With your Holy Glory, balways tell me

On the other hand, don’t let my thoughts overwhelm me.

Give me the strength to fight everything,

avoid things that shouldn’t happen

and of course, have your trust.

You were a warrior and a good missionary in life,

I hope that now after your death,

follow the good judgment of taking care of us and guiding us.

That’s probably the strength we need.

Please, I conclude with my humble heart,

asking for all the faithful who need you.


Riddle of an hourtion for the sick

A prayer to this Patron Saint has the utility of caring for and preserving your peace of mind, even more so if you are going through this delicate moment, he will be a faithful guide for you to overcome the situation with total authority.

Worrying about others, it will be a grandiose symbol of light and love. Because there is nothing more beautiful than pray for your neighborthat is the glory and blessing that God the Father desires, that we all lived in harmony, under his tutelage and that we, as good children, are capable of loving, leaving aside all the material things that really do not matter in life.

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