Prayer to Saint Anthony of Padua to Get a Job – Faithful to God

A prayer to Saint Anthony of Padua to get a jobit is a power that will emancipate you to achieve and attract what you want so much, even more so if you are in an unfavorable situation where every day you present yourself in all kinds of vacancies, go to an interview and time still passes without receiving positive news. to start work.

Actually, if you know the reason for . Your life will be freely calm because you will count on his strength and firmness that everything you do, whether positive or negative, will be under his protection. Certainly this bad moment, you can calm it doing this beautiful prayer of love to our Creator.

You will notice that as soon as time passes, the blessings will come into your life, at a completely different and accurate level. Turning your faith into reality and hope to protect your family, social environment and your dreams mainly.

Prayer to Saint Anthony of Padua to attract a good job

Start your day with the best mentality, with a positive aspect and if you start with negative thoughts that is what you will attract, so clarify your situation and put yourself with an attitude that overthrows everything bad that you can find in the long road of life.

Use this prayer to Saint Anthony of Padua to get a job, it will be your secret ability to fill you with energy and positivity. Assuming that in this section the first thing is to bet and believe in yourself in an optimistic way, clarifying this, the following sentence is recommended to be done every morning:

Mighty Saint.

I accept this prayer in good faith.

Because I want you to intercede with me in something as delicate as getting a job.

I have several days trying to search and nothing that I receive the blessing of

start in a place that is happy and has the potential to win

money to support my family.

Mainly, I just want to start because I need to support my family financially,

I can’t afford to go on like this.

I have to start generating money with my effort.

Even if it’s something small.

Right now, I’m not in a position to demand.

I need to start oxygenating my family, giving them the peace of mind that I can support and support them.

I just want a job to cover my basic expenses.

From there I promise you that I will turn the situation around.

I make this prayer on this day because I already feel overwhelmed and with no sign of changing anything.

Please, I beg you with my heart in my hand, to intercede.

I will continue to do my job humanely.

But without forgetting that your good son needs you.

I know I’m not the only one asking you for such a situation.

Therefore, I know that trust and patience will play an ideal factor.

You have taught me better than anyone and that is what I want to work on.

I will become a turtle and be patient for the long haul.

You will see and observe when you least expect it with your support I will be succeeding.

Thank you for all the miracles you perform for me in advance.

Father God, intercede with this Patron Saint.


Why is the Patron Saint celebrated?

The Christian Church greatly respects and venerates the path traveled by this Saint, particularly his exploits were well received and it is a worldwide tradition that every June 13 of each year his feast is celebrated. Born in Portugal, from a very young age he was forged under the strength of the Blessed Sacrament himself.

He was well loved among people, so much so that he needed a group of protectors so that he could go out to preach in squares or markets. It is said that his mere presence was enough for them, that is where his reputation gained strength and united a beautiful story.

tuned by him glorious fatherlived a full life combined with the neat life of a faith christianconsidered a straight and honest person in his years of life.

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