Prayer to Pomba Gira to Separate two people who do not do well – Faithful to God

One of the things that occurs is the separation of couples who do not learn to live together, if you need to separate and tie the love of a person and you do not know how or if you can really do it, with the prayer to Pomba Gira to separate two people who do not do well you will find the way in which you can fulfill your desires.

Mrs. Pomba Gira is a strong spiritadored by witches from all over, its power is so overwhelming, that it is capable of even separating or even separating them, it is a spirit that can help you recover lost love

Prayer for two people who do not do well one in prayer to Pomba Gira

To get the help of the woman of the 7 exús or Pomba Gira, you must be able to attract her attention and above all believe in her. Praying for her will you must do it with absolute respect and fervor so as not to make her furious, since through prayer to Pomba Gira to separate two people who do not do wellyou will achieve with your desire to separate from another relationship and have that person by your side again and forever.

I beseech Queen Pomba Gira,

Lady of the strength of hearts

sacred and for love, with the powers

of earth, fire, air and water.

To separate two people without difficulty,

since they are not to stay together.

Likewise, Reina Pomba Gira,

famous for catering to practically

all the people who pray for her.

There are not a few people who

find their soul mate

so it is very likely that

do with my request.

Let’s pray this prayer to set aside,

to one person from another’s life

Queen Pomba Gira.

So queen of all

links and owner of all hearts,

weak and passionate.

I also want to provide the

thank you for opening the doors for me

listen to my humble prayer.

Where are this couple?

they are destined, to be together and they need

their help, that you may separate them from

this very moment.

I know they don’t deserve to persist together,

and that you allow only the companions

of the soul, persevere together until

death part them.

But I’m sure the couple who

I speak to you is not a worthy example.

Queen Pomba Gira, separate these two

people quickly and definitively,

also prevents suffering

unnecessary and paralyzes that both lose.

Its time in a relationship that never

He had reason to pass.

I know that I can fully trust

on you and I know you will effect with

your duty, therefore is what

is ok and what should happen.

Queen Pomba Gira, you suffer

for love and you know what I know

feel betrayed.

You who have the power to separate

and drive away those who joined,

fruit of betrayal, in such a way

clashes, mistreatment,

discord, rage and envy.

Queen Pomba Gira, I beg you to

push a person away, as such

I love so much the woman who lives together

currently, because they do not deserve to be

together or ever be happy.

Because through their union much

It is the damage they have caused, there is sadness,

rage, hatred and fights between them.

Queen Pomba Gira, I implore you for him

lament, in this way of those who suffer

for love and tears from the heart.

I ask you to address the presence

this person separated by your grace,

and tie it tight to me, that

just look at my heart.

Also may your heart be

only mine, Queen Pomba Gira, allow

separate from that woman.

That it does not suit you, so that later

so come back to me obedient, allow

As long as this is fulfilled

I ask my powerful queen Pomba.

Powerful Pomba Gira, Queen of the

sacred hearts strength

From now on I promise to be faithful to you and to do

that many people know you.

powerful pomba

Thanks for the conceded favor.


Will using this prayer bring results?

The favorite places where it will be much easier for you to cry out to are the forests or wooded areas, riverbanks, crossings or in the sea; Next to the prayer to Pomba Gira to separate two people who do not do well. Mrs. Pomba Gira María Padilla, also known as the “woman of the 7 exús”, is a highly respected female representation in many parts of South Africa and is associated with female power.

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