Prayer To Have Inner Peace: 3 Model Prayers

Prayer to have Inner Peaceis the desire of all those who are going through some type of anguish, restlessness and a lot of concern, due to some situations that may be presenting that are generated by the many burdens that a person may be carrying daily.

In this sense, God in his infinite love brings the solution to all the ills that a person can have and that is why you must cry out in prayer to have inner peace, since He comes to bring Peace to everyone who needs to rest in his presence and only through the sentence is that I can have it.

Prayer to have Inner Peace

When talking about the inner peace This implies having mental and spiritual tranquility, where the knowledge and understanding of God’s conviction in your life to staying strong in the face of anxiety or emotional imbalancethis brings the believer a healthy life, where he has happiness despite everything he is experiencing.

People often experience situations that can disturb them and take away their peace, bringing restlessness to their lives. A person who does not have peace with himself or in his environment is a person who is unhappy, therefore the only solution to these evils is to approach the Lord in prayerwhich will give you that peace of mind that you so desire as the Bible says:

“Come to me, all you who labor and are heavy laden, and I will give you rest” (Matthew 11:28)

In this sense, the Bible says that if we are there, there is a lot of restlessness, and with heavy loads in your life when you are Holding hands with God, you will be able to achieve inner peace. And in the Bible there are a variety of verses that support the power that comes from having that long-awaited peace from God.

“The peace of God, which surpasses all understanding, will guard your hearts and your minds in Christ Jesus” (Philippians 4:7).

Thus, every believer should raise a prayer to God for have inner peace and find tranquility and be able to be free from anguish that can torment him, and follow the example of one of the greatest worshipers that the Bible presents, King David, who raised his prayer every day in search of God’s shelter.

«I lift my eyes to the mountains: where will help come from? Help comes to me from the Lord who made heaven and earth. He will not allow your foot to slip, your guardian does not sleep; the guardian of Israel neither sleeps nor rests. The Lord keeps you in his shadow, he is on your right; by day the sun will not hurt you, nor the moon at night. The Lord keeps you from all evil, he keeps your soul; The Lord guards your entrances and exits, now and forever” (Psalms 120 1-8)

Examples of Prayer to have Inner Peace

Inner peace produces people to have a quiet and calm life regardless of the problems that may be happening around them, since being in the presence of God can be confident that he will always give the solution to what is experienced. , preventing anguish from coming to hearts.

For this reason, several examples of how to carry out the prayer for inner peaceand to begin with, they must open their hearts and allow the Holy Spirit to activate the faith that may be dormant, and teach them how to pray, and raise a prayer with conviction before God.

Here we present 4 models of prayers to have Inner Peace:

First example

Almighty God, in this moment that I live, I prostrate myself before you to thank you for my well-being, I know that in my life there may be difficult situations or moments of great anguish, but in all of these you are with me, and you offer me the way out. .

That is why today I call on you in this prayer to have inner peace, because in the face of these problems and difficult situations I need a solution, and I place in your hands all that I live because you are the King of everything that exists and you can help me to find the best solution.

Today I raise my hands in front of you and I ask that your great love, your great power fill my mind and my heart with peace, that inner peace that comes from you my God, that inner peace that is real, and that fills every space of my life. mind, my body and my soul, to be able to be calm.

My beautiful Lord, allow me at this moment to forget everything that has offended me and I dispose my heart to forgive in humility, since through forgiveness it brings me inner peace. I also ask your forgiveness for my sins, Lord forgive my faults and my failures.

I thank you Lord for my health, for my family, for work, for my life, for everything I live because I know that your purpose will be fulfilled because you are by my side. Thank you Lord for your Love and for your Peace, today I ask you in the name of Jesus» Amen.

Second Example

«My dear Heavenly Father, at this moment I thank you for your perfect and great mercy, thank you Father because you are attentive to my prayer that I raise before your presence today. Today I come before you, so that you can heal my heart, and you can bring the inner healing that I need.

My dear God, you know my needs, and you know what my heart feels, that is why today more than ever I approach you and I ask you in the mighty name of Jesus to help me feel that inner peace that only you can deliver and passes all understanding.

Lord help me and get this anguish that overwhelms me out of my heart, let all despair leave my life and give me your serenity through your Holy Spirit, to walk calmly and with the inner peace that I need.

Lord, cover me with your wings of love, so that the peace that you can give me can fill all this anguish, and take away all the disbelief, impatience, fear, anguish, and restlessness that I feel.

Dear eternal Father, give me that peace that calms my soul. Good Father I know that you hear my cry and in the midst of anguish you will bring this inner peace that I need, today I ask it in the name of Jesus» Amen.

Third Example

“Dear Heavenly Father, at this moment that I am in front of your presence, I exalt you and praise your holy name, because you are blessed, you are wonderful in mercy, and in the midst of anguish you are, to help those who approach with a humble heart. to your presence

Dear Lord, at this moment when I feel anguished and overwhelmed, I ask you to be you bringing that comfort, that love, that peace and tranquility that I need because your word teaches me that if I am troubled and I approach you, Jesus, you are going to bring me That peace that I need right now.

I ask you, father, to be your Holy Spirit filling me, that through his divine revelation allow me to have the tangible fruits of the spirit in my life, and that everything that is weighing me down at this moment goes away by the power of your word. I declare that I am free from all anguish, sadness, agony and disturbance.

I fully trust that from this moment my life is being transformed by you, because by your power I am obtaining the inner peace that I needed and everything that overwhelmed me will not return to my life, because only you are ruling my life and my heart.

Thank you Lord because this prayer comes with a fragrant smell in front of your presence and it is you who are bringing in my life that inner peace that I longed for so much today, I declared it in the name of Jesus» Amen.

Fourth Example

“Father, in the name of Jesus I am before you today because I feel overwhelmed by this situation that I am living, you know everything, today I declare that by the power of your blood all this comes out of my being, of my life right now, so that you grant me the inner peace that I need.

Lord I ask that my soul be filled with your Holy Spirit, and cleanse me of all discomfort, change my thoughts and all burden go away, today I surrender all my burdens to rest in you Lord, and have inner peace to walk in blessing.

I trust in your power and I am convinced that this prayer will bring the inner peace that I need, so that my life can experience your presence and feel your love, the goodness of your being and I can give you all the glory and honor because only you you are worthy of praise.

Today I put all my trust in you so that you work in my life according to the purpose for which I am called, so I declare myself free from all anguish in the mighty name of Jesus» Amen.

Seeing each of these examples of prayer for inner peaceserve as a guide so that you can connect with heaven, understanding that the most important thing is that you allow the Holy Spirit to lead you in prayer and can activate faith, so that you can know the power of God, and receive your request.

«And in the same way, also the Spirit helps us in our weakness; because we do not know how to pray as we should, but the Spirit himself intercedes for us with unspeakable groans” (Romans 8:26).

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