Prayer to Communion without Confession – Important – Faithful to God

Really, sometimes in life we ​​are presented with the situation where we will have to go to a church, to feel the Peace of the Lord. However, you may be presented with the idea of ​​receiving the Lord through the wafer. This is a habit that Catholic believers, through prayer to receive communion without going to confession, have always had. So, we are asked to confess our sin before the guide and servant of God in a catholic church as is a father.

Sometimes, we did not have the opportunity to meet this requirement and we want to commune in the name of so that our life is full of spiritual peace and that it always accompanies us wherever we go.

Powerful prayer that will help you to receive Communion without having confessed

The solution to this is to perform the prayer to receive communion without confession, that will serve you for the simple reason that God is present everywhere and will forgive our sins, if you notice sincere repentance from our hearts by praying this prayer:

Dear God, you who know everything

about us, what we do right or wrong,

I know that your goodness is infinite and in

your mercy will remain my hope

to be forgiven.

Today I implore you to forgive me,

that at all times that I have failed

know that it is innocently, that for being

I have sinned a human.

However that does not mean that I want to fail you,

thank you Lord for listening to me today,

just like every day of my life,

for me it is necessary to feel you,

and be low your protection to

despite my sins.

God you can do everything, you are the light and wisdom

What do I need to act well?

however, I feel the

need to apologize

as many times as necessary.

You who have sent Jesus to be crucified

on the cross to forgive

our sins, for solemn love

what do you have for your children my lord forgive me,

for not helping my brothers

And if I have failed my family,

I beg you to forgive me.

Although this prayer is not heard

for a servant of yours here on earth,

is heard by you and in the name

From the Holy Ghost I know you can see

my feelings of regret.

I’m ashamed of taking the wrong path,

though it was a few times

I know it’s not what I should do.

My God I implore you to come to me

your forgiveness so that my soul does not feel in anguish

and you can feel absolute tranquility.

Lord you can do everything,

that at the moment of receiving your spirit

through the ostia do not judge me for not having me


I know that for you Loving God

repentance is necessary,

that’s why in my hands I place my heart,

so you can read and feel it,

for this way you can me

provide a new opportunity.

The truth is that I feel lost

I need your presence and

of divine providence

in my body, inside me,

I also perform it as praise for you.

You are perfect Lord

I thank you for everything created,

what I have, what surrounds me,

for sending me on a life mission

that I intend to fulfill by following your word.

With your company absolutely nothing,

nothing in life will be impossible;

Have your eyes on me, to take care of me

It is a favor that I entrust to you.

Thank you my God for listening to me,

because from this

moment I feel forgiven.

I feel a calm and peace that I cannot

Compare and explain in words.

Finally God, I feel calm

with myself, I hope I can talk to you

as a friend all

days like this.


The power of prayer achieves even the power of confession

We are wrong when we think that only one person can confess us, God tells us: “Prostrate yourself before me, show your humility and sincere repentance and I will forgive you” His presence can be found anywhere with a prayer for communion without confession, the Lord is always available and even more so when we need him to forgive us. That is the for us the children of him. His love for us is the greatest in this world, we must venerate it as a treasure that we cannot get anywhere.

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