Prayer to Attract Customers and Prosperity to my Business

A prayer can have as its objective the simple expression and connection with the divine, or it can be done with the purpose of giving thanks, as well as making requests. Whether or not you plan to start a business, it will always be important to pray for our business to be happy. In all our plans always God must be includedWe must place our trust in him.

Not everyone can have their own business, if you own one, you should consider that you are already blessed. However, it is always necessary divine help. That all our actions are dedicated to the Creator and that our life is always placed in his hands, will be reason enough to have a prosperous life.

We are used to turning to God only in times of trouble and conflict, a habit that is not quite right. Although he will always lend us a helping hand, we must glorify him and pray even in moments of peace.

Prayer for business prosperity

The prayer that we will present below will not only be useful in difficult times, it is a prayer that can easily be performed every day as a method of gratitude and request for fortune for our working life. When we pray, we will entrust ourselves to God and to his infinite wisdom.

My God,

I have decided to start this wonderful day,

that you have given us,

with a thank youIt’s from the depths of my heart.

I want to thank you for everything

Both good and bad,

I know you have a plan for each of us,

and I’m only at your mercy,

willing to accept your designs.

I am your faithful servant,

I am here in this life with the sole purpose of following you,

I don’t expect anything in return.

I put my life in your hands

Hoping you can help me in what you consider most important.

I understand that what you do is for our own good,

since you know everything.

An essential aspect of my life,

It is my business,

the one that I have built with so much effort,

dedicating every effort to your divinity.

All i ask,

is that you give me wisdom,

you push me to do what is necessary to prosper,

always the right way.

I need you,

I need you to take away from me all the bad,

what doesn’t let me get ahead.

Clear my sky

illuminate my plans

so that everything goes in the best way.

O Almighty,

I implore your blessing

guide me on the right path,

for a life full of fortune.


Things to keep in mind when praying

Performing this prayer every morning with devotion and humility, many doors will open for you, the idea of ​​reciting this text is to trust that God will cleanse our soul and our path, thus allowing us to exploit our job possibilities. With the Most High nothing is impossible.

What we must never leave behind is the fact that no matter how much we pray and ask, nothing will happen if we don’t make an effort. It must be a job in which we rely on God, but that we do our part in the same way.

Nowadays it is very easy to get tips on the net that help to create a business and adapt it in an ideal way. it has emerged as a trend, even among young people; there is no age to start workingeven for oneself.

In short, we can say that if we have the attitude, put in the effort and focus on a goal, we will always have the chance to start a business. This is where the help of prayer for business comes in, and that is that we can pray for enlightenment and essential insights that will allow us to structure ourselves properly. Trusting in prayers and trusting in ourselves, almost nothing is impossible.

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