? Prayer to Ask for the Protection of the Virgin of San Juan de los Lagos – Faithful to God

one of the instruments more powerful that our Lord granted us, is the prayer to ask for the protection of the Virgin of San Juan de los Lagos, and it can help us to ask for the protection of any Saint, Archangel or Marian invocation directly. Well, in this case, we will use the .

Let us know that God’s protection is always present, he takes care of us from evil and in his charge is an army whose task is to provide us with security. However, a little extra protection never hurts. The Virgin Mary was chosen to be the mother of our Savior, one of the things that stands out most about this work was her Immaculate Conception.

Such has been the impact of this, that as an invocation, it has many faithful worldwide. In addition, lots of miracles have been attributed to him. From an image of the Immaculate Conception, comes the Virgin of San Juan de los Lagos.

Prayer to ask for the protection of the Virgin of San Juan de los Lagos

The first miracle by which the image of the Virgin of San Juan de los Lagos became known, comes from a story that assures that a girl who died in an accident, this figure was placed on her chest and immediately afterwards, woke up.

After this event, it became famous and the faithful began to come, many of whom claim to have been blessed by being granted miracles. We will guide the prayer of protection, so that we and our relatives are taken care of, the hands of death.

Mother of Christ and our Mother,

grant me the honor of being under your protection,

make me invulnerable to danger.

Protect me from the cold coming from death.

Provide me with strength and intellect,

don’t let me near the dark.

Cover me with impenetrable walls,

May the demons not reach me.

Take me on the safest path,

I want to go with a firm step,

with confidence in the Lord and in you.

Be my shield and my armor,

so as to be insulated against all evil.

I commend my soul and body to heaven.

I also ask for my family,

as well as my friends and acquaintances,

I hope that no disease shakes them.

I wish your light

do not let any harmful elements pass.

I worry that we are incarcerated

In a world full of hate make everyone

those who surround my loved ones, expire love

I don’t want affectations to mine,

I want to be able to share with them

quietly for a long time.

I also hope that my home

be a fortress full of your blessing,

don’t let go through my door

anyone who wants to cause harm.

Let the evil be trapped

in your network of mercy and protection.

Immaculate Conception,

Virgin of San Juan de los Lagos,

make me able to resist whatever,

Ywhat am i waiting for too

provide protection for my family.

Give me the impetus

to maintain my firmness in the face of harm.

Dress me as a soldier and guardian,

fill me with grace

I also beg teach me to pray

to follow in the footsteps of our Lord Jesus Christ.

Following what is established in the gospel, There is no harm,

no demon to disturb me.


Protection for every aspect of our life

While it is true that we have the opportunity to ask for a general protection of our lives, it will always be more feasible pray for separate and clear goalsthis way we will know what we are careful about.

For this reason, in Faithful to God, we have a category specialized in They can help you with whatever you need.

In addition, we give very important recommendations and data, which increase knowledge about our faith and resolve common doubts, We are here to serve God and serve others.

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