Prayer to Ask for Forgiveness from Our Parents or a Relative – Faithful to God

The first thing that is instilled in us in our religion, belief or Christian lifestyle is the commandment where we must honor our parents. However, because we are human beings and we make mistakes, sometimes we offend or treat them badly. That is why we must go to prayer to apologize to our parents or a relative.

But we must always keep in mind that first to God and thanks to (meaning us) we are in this world. Because we are sent by the Lord to be in his life.

For some our parents mean the best we have in life. Thanks to them we have a house and unconditional love where we can always arrive and recharge ourselves with energy. At first it is they who take care of us and then we must have towards them.

Prayer to apologize to my parents or relatives

we can be in two types of situations, the first is that we have our parents alive and we are lucky to look them in the eye, hug them and . The second is that our parents be with God our father and the way to speak to them is through a Prayer to apologize to our parents or a relativein case we have failed him in life.

Whatever the cases, always we must ask for forgiveness through prayer so that God forgives our sins, and also heals his heart in case we have hurt him.

my god almighty

this time I want to address you because

I feel ashamed of my sins.

I am completely sorry that I failed you.

I trust in your good kindness and that I sees

the sincere repentance of my heart

so you can forgive me

I implore you, my God.

Don’t punish me and follow me

caring as you always have.

On this day I come to ask you with all my heart,

that you heal any wound or evil thought

caused by my mistakes to my parents.

They are the best to me

You have been able to give and I thank you.

I want you to spill the blood

power of Jesus Christ over them.

So that you always take care of them from all evil,

that they manage to understand me and forgive meand

because I am very sorry for the damage caused.

They deserve the best of this earth and the whole of heaven.

I thank you for having them in my life,

for listening to them, for seeing them every day.

and know that they are okay.

Take care of them and if at any time they fall,

raise them again so that can

start stronger.

I want to tell you, that until now are the

best people I have ever met on this earth.

Excuse me, put forgiveness on them

your heart because they deserve much better.

I beg your forgiveness and theirs, I want

that you remove all evil forces from our side,

and do not allow us, anyone to commit

mistakes that later make us regret.

Lord my Father, I also ask your forgiveness,

Because I failed your word, but you i will demonstrate

with actions that I am a better person.

And I follow the statutes that you left us

as a spiritual guide for us

I also thank you for every day

of my life, for health and for allowing me

see the sun every morning.

Thank you for thinking of me, when you sent me

the world with the best parents who have followed your example.

Thanks for listening again, I’ll wait

Patiently as long as you decide to forgive me.

You are a compassionate, generous God,

good-natured, you are totally pure.

Thanks for everything, my god.


Acknowledge all your sins with this prayer

Also how are you asking for forgiveness, in this Prayer to apologize to our parents or a relative you are acknowledging failures and mistakes, which you will not make again.

That for God is joyful to know that you can improve, it will also give you the tools you need and the necessary wisdom to not make mistakes again. What makes us great is forgiveness in our hearts.

When God listens to repentance and gratitude from the whole heart, he quickly comes to fulfill your wishes, he will bring peace to your heart and to that of your parents. Also, imagine that each thank you is a shower of blessings falling on them. For that reason, don’t stop pray to our Lord for your parents.

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