Prayer to Archangel Metatron for the Health of Children – Faithful to God

divine protection it is something that every human being needs regardless of their race, educational, social or cultural level. We are all exposed to the evil of the enemy invading us at any time in our lives. Even more so to children, noble, humble and innocent beings who become easy prey for the devil. implore the prayer to Archangel Metatron for the health of children, protect your family.

The he is an angel who is described as a heavenly figure, a messenger of God who conveys his commands to the fallen angels. He is an angel of life who helps us make better decisions to avoid unnecessary regrets later on. take us away from the right path. It helps us balance our lives and gain spiritual light in the name of God.

It is considered the patron saint of children and especially of those who suffer from a special disability. She has a very special place in her heart to welcome and protect the little ones in the house. His power is very supportive for parents, educators, scientists and health professionals whose mission is related to children. Ask for health through the following prayer to Archangel Metatron for the health of children, protect your family:

First of all beloved Archangel Metatron

mighty angel of the kingdom of heaven,

divine being of heavenly size,

who in your enormous heart shelters

and you welcome all the children of the world

to give them your protection.

Bless each of the lives that open

his eyes to the world, those who touch the ground

for the first time.

Likewise, pour out your blessing on those who pronounce

love words. for those who learn

to read the divine word of our

Lord Jesus Christ.

Likewiseprotect all the children who with a heart

humble and simple start the road

of the life.

In the meantime bestow upon them your heavenly brilliance,

your kind light that illuminates everyone.

Also, embrace them with your mantle of power

that clarifies the darkness of the world.

Also, today I ask for your loving intervention,

for children to enjoy health and

are disease free.

Therefore, may your bodies and minds develop

with all normal to image

and likeness of Jesus Christ.

For that reason, today I turn to you Beloved Archangel,

so that all those beings of light

that are growing they stay

healthy in body and mind,that none

plague, disease, evil or perversion

of the world touch them.

Deliver us from suffering pain, from feeling

break and lose strength.

Because we need healthy men and women with

spirits of strength in the Word of God.

And to all those children who today suffer

some disease, let them recover

health. So that those who do not see

they can see, they can’t walk

walk, you can’t breathe

breathe, you can’t eat, eat,

Also, that the organs of your body work

perfectly and that in his heart

God’s love is missing.

It also allows faith and hope

accompany them even in moments of anguish

so that the miracle of your wonderful goodness

cover them, touch them and strengthen them in the

mercy of the will of our

Celestial father.

Finally, it strengthens the faith and hope of its

parents or caregivers, unload their sorrows

on you Beloved Angel and that lightens your weight;

so that your intervention before God

grant the health of your children and your

speedy recovery.

I trust in your mercy and

in the love you have for us.


This angel has the power to open the mind and bestow spiritual clarity, intercede for the enlightenment and growth of your soul. It makes it easier to open the mind and understanding to new knowledge. It is ideal to promote the learning of children with concentration and retention difficulties. Saint Archangel Metatron, his blessings are limitless and his sense of protection extends to families.

Do not allow the illness of a loved one to afflict your life and even more so if it is a child who has health problems. Always turn to prayer, from your heart, with faith, humility and hope. Constantly implore health for the sick, Saint Metatron will intercede for you and.

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