Prayer of Thanks to Santa Muerte Thanks for Everything!

Expressing our gratitude to supreme beings who grant us favors is the best way to reciprocate their attentions. For this reason, it is important that just as we use our praises to ask for and implore a miracle, we have the initiative to . We show you the Prayer of Thanks to Santa Muerte Thanks for Everything!

Santa Muerte is a spiritual entity that has existed since the beginning of time. He wields a power called death energy capable of materializing the creative force of the Universe. The followers of Santa Muerte learn to handle that force that grants one of the strongest protections that exist.

Gratitude to Santa Muerte for everything she gives me

Prayer has always been powerful to achieve what we long for so strongly. If our faith is directed to Santa Muerte and it is to her that we ask in prayer, it is also time to thank everything she gives us.

My Divine Holy Death

Oh mighty force

creator of the most pleasant blessings,

my prayers and my faith I dedicate

to all that you represent.

Therefore, with the power that you have

to materialize my requests

you have become

in my greatest image of devotion.

AlsoI fully trust you

I give my whole life in your hands

for you to take away and give what I really deserve,

therefore, I commend my wishes

to your mighty will.


You are my Blessed, my Lady

and in honor of you I deliver this prayer.

This time I’m not here to ask you for anything in particular,

then also, you have given me what I have asked before you.

More if I am going to honor your presence

and thank you from the heart

all the wonders you have given me,

today, tomorrow and always.

You are the miraculous force

that has fulfilled my dreams,

You have always attended to what I acclaim,

you have always heard my prayers

and I don’t have much to ask for

Well, you have filled my life with prizes and gifts.

O faithful and faithful Lady,

you have filled my life and that of my loved ones

of beautiful favors

that have filled my life with happiness,

you have removed danger, evil, pain, diseases,

the evil that lurks, you have taken it away from me.

On the other hand, thank you My Holy Death,

thank you for each and every moment

that you have dedicated to please me,

for each and every one of the gifts you have given me,

for the laughter and joy you have brought before me.

I adore you and give you my entire devotion,

you have helped me out of stormy troubles,

You have illuminated the path of my actions

towards the solution of the conflicts,

you have kept away from me people who try to harm me

and you have brought to my house the deepest peace.

You are my miraculous entity,

my heavenly image that strengthens my life,


my dream to adore you and follow you

makes me give you the confidence so that

take the course of my life

and lead me to success and prosperity.

Infinite thanks

for the favors you have granted me,

There are many things that you have been able to give me

and today I want you to know that I feel

enormously grateful

for never abandoning me or leaving me alone.

That’s why you’ve always been by my side

never go away from me and leave me alone,

protect me from all evil

and from the damage of many who envy my existence,

finally, ward off gossip and hate,

it attracts justice and truth.

Finally, infinite thanks.

Thanks for everything,

That’s why I trust in your protection

and in your holy power.


The prayer of thanks is a powerful communication tool

Implore before a deep Prayer of Thanks to Santa Muerte Thanks for Everything! It is asking from the heart what you want or desire. It is to deliver the love in a complete connection where the spiritual comes to the surface according to the level of your faith and devotion. There are many followers of Santa Muerte, many who fully trust her and her strength.

It is considered the Holy. Well, her miraculous interventions have made thousands of believers get rid of multiple dangers and solve terrible and complicated problems that they could not solve. Surrender your faith and devotiondedicate the cult to her and let her miracles accompany you.

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