Prayer for Priestly Vocations – God Help You All! – Faithful to God

Prayer to priestly vocations. As Christians that we are, we are concerned in these difficult times priestly vocations. We reciprocate by making prayers, so that today’s young people have their minds more focused on serving God. We must make a prayer and ask the Supreme Supreme God, do it from a sincere heart, having enough and full confidence in the paths to follow.

Today our Christianity of the future, crudely presents a reality, about this response that we make every day. Seminarians must be more nurtured to reach the priesthood. We conceive that it is a difficult task but not impossible. For this reason, the priestly vocation is also accompanied by the support that the family can give him to be able to follow such a beautiful path in the Lord.

Prayer for priestly and religious vocations

Priestly vocations are accompanied by God’s blessing through prayer. If a seminarian is raised under a family believing in Godfrom there will come a faithful priest as well as a great guide to follow the designs of our Father.

Lord Jesus through,

of this humble prayer,

I ask with great fervor,

for priestly vocations.

Just as you served with your great love,

so I want you to do men,

good as well,

noble to follow your word.

We ask you to touch hearts,

of whom you have already converted,

members of your body,

by baptism,

so that with the help of your grace.

May they carry out this great mission, at the service,

of the Christian communities.

In this way so,

We can have the help

that your people need.

Lord, I ask you to bless,

our families,

Multiply priestly vocations.

we ask you,

by the Immaculate Virgin Mary,

Sweet holy Mother of God.

O Jesus, give us many,

noble-hearted priests,

Enlighten the mind, heart as spirit.

so that they know,

the path that you my Lord,

You wanted for them.

So that they can

achieve glory,

as well as salvation.

Lord Jesus,

give them the strength as well,

The strength so that

enrich their minds.

And your ideals are always,

firm in you my God.

Lord Jesus,

Just as you called to your presence,

Your disciples to do,

fishers of men

So I also want you to take,

from your mighty hand.

In such a way the rein,

to train good men.

In the formation of good priests,

As the Church asks.

Lord Heavenly Father,

I thank you infinitely,

For being a friend of the young.

They have a commitment

With the gospel.

So that we can be witnesses,

and in this way we can

to be the bearers of such wonderful news,

What would the priestly vocation be?

Lord God Our Father,

we thank you,

for the priests,

they are a gift from you.

As also a sign,

of your immense love.

Grant us good priests,

according to your great love

bless you greatly,

to all seminarians.

So that in such a way they do not lack,

in the church young people who,

They want to follow faithfully,

the priestly vocation.

Grant in our days,

excellent as well

Proper priests,

for our Holy Church.

So that they can

preach the gospel, feeling,


to carry on the work of Christ.

Make your stocks,

be renewed day by day,

In such a way they are done,

living gospels.

Merciful Holy Lord,

continues to train good workers,

In order to have forgers of good.

Oh my Lord give them strength,

so that they can continue to form,

Strengthen the elect,

so that they can grow.

In love as well,

in holiness,

So that they can

respond fully,

At your call my Lord Jesus.

Make your Holy Spirit,

enlighten their hearts,

As well as strengthen the wills,

Of those who are called.

So that they hear your voice.

My Lord Jesus,

so that they can arrive

to be priests,

consecrated to a worthy people.

Take care Lord Jesus,

to all the priests,

whose lives are consumed before your altar,

since they are yours.

In the same way,

protect them because they are

In the world,

to be able to continue with righteousness,

Your steps.

And follow-ups to the priesthood.

Lord grant us good priests,

as well as men,


so that we can,

have a full life

in our house.

which is the house of our Father,

All this I ask in your name,

of the Blessed,

Virgin Mary, Mother of God.


Why is the Priesthood important to believers?

He is important for believers, because in them we see a guide to help us resolve the small doubts that may arise regarding the Christian life, through the prayer of people who study their own priestly vocations. He is the most suitable person, because after God, we can follow his guidelines and he is the most suitable person to clear us of doubts, to be able to follow the path to God in good steps.

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