Prayer for All Students Who Need Help – Faithful to God

God, the universe is the work of your hands, you created the heavens and the earth out of nothing, and you create everything through your great ; Lord, you put the whole world in order, for the existence of humanity: wanting us to live in it; and looking for your intelligence to know how to subdue it; that’s why we do this prayer for all students who need helpto acquire wisdom.

Prayer for all students who need help.

Mister, great is your mercy and your delight is with the sons of men, because benevolent it is you, oh Lord, and truly almighty; that you honor those who love you and those who seek you early.

Thank you Lord for this day

for allowing me today with my voice;

talk with you;

also praise and glorify you.

And despite being a sinner,

you continue to work in my favor;

also blessing me day by day.

God, before you created the human being,

Wisdom already existed in your sole power;

That’s why I cry before your presence,

for understanding comes from the fear of the Lord,

as it says in proverbs 1:7, the beginning of wisdom

is the fear of the Lord. The wise will hear it and increase their knowledge

and the understanding will acquire advice.

I ask you, oh Lord, to help the students

that day by day they need more of your science,

to be better people in any situation in their lives;

for the Lord gives wisdom and from his mouth

comes knowledge and intelligence.

I intercede to you oh Lord, for all those students

who lack understanding and wisdom;

because in the book of James 1:5 it says:

and if any of us lacks wisdom,

ask God, who gives abundantly to all

and without reproach; and it will be given to him.

That’s why Lord, I ask you to be you,

providing from that fear which is the beginning of wisdom;

give them a prudent heart and add more to them every day,

the virtues of the Holy Spirit.

Lord, I pray that you prepare them for every test

that you may have in your ways, and be diligent

when studying;

so that at the time they approve their evaluations.

Only you my King,

you can get them to carry a total

concentration when studying.

I love you oh Lord, and I bless you,

because you are great, and exalted in your word,

that you left us in your bible to advise us,

exhort us and teach us wisdom.

O King of my salvation, great are you who for love

and for your mercies, that you trust in the human being

to fill us with your most precious treasures

and riches that are found in your wisdom,

and the students receive them from you,

more are distressed.

Trusting in the wisdom of God

Lord it comes from you the wisdom, and she takes care of us when we look for her the most; because he who loves life, and when earlier he seeks wisdom in the morning; they will be filled with joys.

the one who owns intelligence has reached your blessing, the students trust fully in the instruction that comes from you, oh Lord, who is sowing that seed day after day from youth; and even when she grows old she will protect them. Working, cultivating and keeping your statutes; I know will enjoy good fruits.

Always Lord, approaching the advice of wisdom, intelligence defends the reputation of those students and of any person who finds it, blessed is the rock of my salvation that you are my God, that you are pleased to grant to those who fear his holy name Jehovah; saving their evil road souls, as described in proverbs 8:13 says: the fear of the Lord is to hate evil; pride, arrogance, the evil way, and the perverse mouth I abhor.

Thank you Lord, for being that source of wisdom for the students, and for listening to my prayers before you, they will gladly appreciate what comes from God; because they will meditate on your precepts continuously, affirming their hearts to receive the much desired wisdom, bringing that rest to their hearts. souls.

Lord, may your will be done in our lives, we give you thanks and praise; and we give you all the gloryhonor and honor for the centuries of centuries. Amen

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