Prayer “Come to me” San Antonio de Padua Do it Immediately! – Faithful to God

A very famous prayer of Saint Anthony of Padua, we can describe it as the prayer “Come to me” that demonstrates the need for a man to be protected and always accompanied by his holy power. blessed among all saints, he will help us in the moments we need most. Giving relief and calm to the need of our soul, which consequently brings us terrible anguish.

For this Saint there is no Nothing important more than answering our pleas and callswhich is a way to demonstrate his infinite love and devotion to God our Lord who always seeks to have us protected and cared for, as children of the Almighty blessed Father.

Powerful prayer come to me from San Antonio de Padua.

This prayer has not been left by this noble Saint, he knew from the beginning that his purpose on earth is about to be fulfilled. The “prayer come to me” It was a way of leaving us a tool so that we can beseech Saint Anthony of Padua:

Benedict Saint Anthony of Padua,

I come to you imploring

advised by the word of the Lord,

who always hears our pleas,

and can see the need of hearts.

When in his words he tells us:

that we seek and we will find,

also that we ask and it will be given to us,

always present in our lives,

despite the difficult circumstances.

That’s why I come looking for

of calm and spiritual peace,

What do I need right now?

have in my life to relieve,

any evil, that is stunning my calm.

Therefore he called in the blessed name,

of Saint Anthony of Padua,

I have all the confidence

that I have him for the miracles,

what has he done for the afflicted.

begging infinite mercy,

for us despite being,

sinful and wretched,

counting on the power,

of the almighty.

Saint Anthony of padua,

pray for us,

and intervene before our lord,

so that they may be supplied to us,

our needs.

Saint Anthony come to me,

to touch my soul with your purifying hand,

I follow you on your way I find.

Peace in the moment that,

I receive everything from you

from your mighty hand.

Likewise, come to me at this moment,

of restlessness and uncertainty,

accompanied by anguish and much pain,

of not finding a solution to my problems.

I ask for an urgent miracle,

for you to give me the tools,

in this way to get the solutions.

Blessing every moment,

my life to solve,

any need.

I ask you for my work

Saint Anthony of Padua come to me,

we are children of almighty god.

Those who need your presence,

spiritual not only for

bless our lives,

if not everyone around her.

I ask you for prudence in my judgment,

and in all the things I have to do,

financially and emotionally,

that understanding is supernatural.

help me use the

better decisions,

for all circumstances,

that from today they present themselves to me.

holy spirit accompanies

Saint Anthony of padua,

so that it can surround us

of his holy power.

And in the name of both,

we will receive the teachings,

task that come directly from your power.

Things that are really important

that they also want to keep in my life,

always working pleasing to the Lord.

It’s my way of saying thank you

act correctly,

helping other people,

improving humanity,

lending a hand when needed.

In this way I will not fear evil,

‘Cause he knows I’m being blessed

by heaven his work, grace and divinity,

Without fear of being wrong,

because I am on the path of righteousness.

When my anguish and sadness,

are healed by holy power,

we get that positive energy,

surround in our lives.

Getting away from any mishap,

accident or situation that we cannot,

resolve somehow.

By the holy power that accompanies me today,

I know my life is being blessed

for the charity of Saint Anthony of Padua,

who always cares about me,

also for my family and those around her.


A prayer that also serves to calm anxiety

Confer this prayer in the power of San Antonio de Padua, helps our soul to be free from anguish and annoying anxiety, when we can’t get solutions or change something that is impossible to change. We have all surely gone through a difficult time, we lose our calm completely and our vision is clouded to possible solutions.

Making the prayer come will get me that his presence, come us getting the calm and spiritual peace that we are needing at that moment. As Holy protector he will never abandon us and will always take our hand to stay on all roads.

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