Powerful Prayer to the Just Judge for Difficult Cases Overcome them with this Prayer! – Faithful to God

Let’s see why they talk about one Powerful prayer to the Just Judge ¡Overcome them with this Prayer!, and it is that The Just Judge is our protector par excellence and who does justice for us. When the time comes when we are severely affected with cases that are very difficult to resolve.

When we speak of the Just Judge we are obviously referring to the same God who with his infinite wisdom and mercy. He does justice for us so that we are not unjustly punished because we have not committed. Or with too much severity that can lead us to the loss of freedom or even of our own life.

We must trust the rulings of the just Judge and accept his verdict

Of course, as good Christians, we must always accept the verdict of the Supreme Judge, because He, with his infinite mercy, will always protect us. That is why he dedicates this Powerful prayer to the Just Judge ¡Overcome them with this Prayer!

fair judge,I am addressing you right now

difficult of my life to ask you for mercy.

When our situations are very complicated

and we are afraid that they can judge us with impartiality,

or when we see that we unfairly have

our cause lost and we need a miracle.

Only you,God Almighty

you can reverse the results

of a very difficult and desperate case.

O Just Judge,when we are facing

to desperate and lost causes we come to you

because you who are our Heavenly Father and our Savior,

You will never abandon us or turn your back on us.

On the contrary, Just Judge,

I know that you will always give a quick answer

to my pleas and that I can count on you

today and at all times.

In this moment of my life

in which I find myself cornered by men

and for the justice here on Earth,

when I see and feel that I am going to lose

this fearful judgment that torments me,

oh Just Judge I acclaim for your help.

Also I ask you prostrate on your knees

that you do not abandon me and that you take me by your hand

before blind justice so that they give me the reason

and I get out of this big problem

that overwhelms me and does not let me live in peace.

With all the faith in the world and with great fervour,

I make this Powerful Prayer to you Just Judge

for difficult cases I also ask you not to leave me

at the mercy of unjust men who do not recognize

my innocence and that when I need to be judged

let it be with broad criteria and with absolute justice.

O Just Heavenly Judge,

I ask you with great faith that at this moment

put your powerful hand so that this case so difficult

what i’m going through be

resolved in my favor and in the best way.

Because I must also understand

powerful Judge of the Universe that I am a sinner

and as such I must be judged,

but I ask for mercy and absolute rectitude and impartiality.

so that i can

be victorious and after paying my faults,

not be beaten down and reduced to a poor rag,

without the opportunity of a fair defense.

I want to be judged fairly

and may your divine mercy be with me

at all times to come out graceful and triumphant

of this big problem that affects all my interests

and the well-being of my family and myself.

So help me.

I ask you please

O Divine Judge of the Universe,

you Just by others and impartial at all times.

defend me today and always

of earthly injustices and send me your divine blessing,

that I receive it in the name of the Father,

in the name of the Son and in the name of the Holy Spirit.


A prayer is always very effective

Certainly the people who put in the hands of divine justice your problems and rest in the will of the Creator. They will always be under the protection of Divine Providence and never judged unfairly.

This is why we must always trust in God’s justice and trust that God’s ways are difficult to understand. But that does not mean that they are not the most suitable for us mortals. We must always remember that God’s timing is perfect and never fails.

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