Powerful prayer to Saint Charbel to Remove all the Evils from my life – Faithful to God

In this article, I bring you a powerful revelation that you can’t help but have. Through powerful prayer to Saint Charbel to remove all the evils from my life we can continue with the day-to-day fight against the evil of this world. If the fight is not physical, it is spiritual, because we have to be girded with spiritual weapons.

The word says that we are ambassadors of here on earth, an ambassador represents and when he does his job well, he has the resources of that Kingdom. He now imagines that you have the resources of the Kingdom of Heaven, its allies, its most powerful servants. This is the case of Saint Charbel. Archangel of protection, justice, goodness, light.

Powerful prayer to Saint Charbel to remove any act of evil

Pray to beloved Saint Charbel, in the presence of God. Ask him to come to your aid, bringing total healing in your body, from the depths, the most internal with this powerful prayer to Saint Charbel to remove evil.

Beloved Saint Charbel,

holy of all and for all,

come to my aid as a mighty giant,

To you be all the glory and all the honor, Majesty

forever and ever.

All worship be to you,

infinite in mercy, great in love, mighty in battle.

My deliverer, my intercessor, my protector, my keeper,

Honor and majesty power be to you,

mountains will fall and the sea will roar at the sound of your name,

Holy, Holy, Holy, three times Holy.

I come to you right now,

You who are miraculous and do not put the just to shame,

reach me with your infinite mercy,

what I have asked you with simplicity and humility and with faith.

Every contrary spirit

that is hindering the passage of your angel

in my help and answer.

Every bad influence

any spirit of retaliation,

of revenge against me,

Take away from me envy and evil

that the enemy can place me to make me give up.

You Saint Charbel are my strength, my blessing,

do not allow, my beloved, Saint Charbel,

any hindrance or obstacle, impediment,

Any plan orchestrated against me

and against my miracle, proliferate.

I declare that my miracle is already here.

The holy scriptures say that faith

It is the certainty of what is expected and the conviction

of what is not seen,

it means that I call things that are not, as if they were.

The holy scriptures say that whatever you bind and loose in heaven,

will be bound and loosed on earth.

I unleash my miracle, my blessing.


Prayer to Saint Charbel for Love

Request Saint Charbel through your mediation, to show you that person that God has for you, as well as the purpose he has for you on earth. Because we all have a God of purposes and not of chance, implore for your purpose, your vision, the promise you have for us in the eternal.

Is Saint Charbel a patron saint?

In life, he already had a reputation as a Saint from a very young age. The people who knew him and knew him, confirmed that he performed miracles. It tells a story that he lit a lamp by touching it without oil inside.

The powerful prayer to Saint Charbel to remove all the evils from my life it is as powerful as all the actions he did in life. It is also said that just by touching the edge of her cloak, she healed people.

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