Powerful prayer to Saint Alejo to ward off conflicting people – Faithful to God

Keeping every conflictive person away from lives will bring us the true peace we need in each and every one of our days. That is why today we will show you the powerful prayer to remove someone who is troublesome from our lives or from a house, as well as the family problems that this could cause. It is dedicated to San Alejo, and if you perform this prayer with faith. Soon all the negativity that is in it today will move away from your life.

A conflictive person in life usually deteriorates us, sometimes it is not a being outside the family. But our tranquility and peace of mind is much more important. So it is necessary for remove all family or work problems from your life.

Miraculous prayer to San Alejo to ward off conflicting people

Perform this powerful prayer every morning to ward off any conflictive person, and you will see how your life will turn much happier and more prosperous.

Before you start reading it, you must place all your faith in this saint so that he fulfills the miracle you are asking for. If you already have this clear, proceed to make the sign of the cross and then read the prayer below.

Today I want this person to go away

of my life, dear San Alejo, she has only

brought into my life family problems

and conflicts.

It has created a great discord between

all our acquaintances

as well as family problems,

and these all the days grow longer.

Your lies and each one of us

we find ourselves by his side we are involved,

causing this inconvenience

and arguments that are involuntary and


That’s why today I beg you to

Help her get away from me

of my closest ones.

The places to which

frequent, of my friends, dand my

work and of the mas important to my family

and from my home.

Let him go forever from my life

it does not bring anything good to her.

Pbecause it prevents me from prospering

and it only generates me

problems family and work.

Oh, glorious San Alejo,

I beg you, I implore you so that this

Conflicted person disappear from me

life and of the lives of all my relatives.

So that in this way we can

live in peace, love and

with much blessing each of

the days that You, my God, give us.

She only wants her own good,

and to grow up mind passing

above anyone.

Come to us San Alejo,

for you to help us

remove it once and for all from around us.

Intercede for her before God, so that she may be

forgiven for each

the things he does

in order to harm others.

for you to forgive her

for each of the lies

what has been said so far,

in order to harm those who

around them are.

She is at this moment

controlled by the evil one.

I know this is the reason why

which acts this way.

But I no longer wish to have her near me.

It has only made my communion

with God be harmed,

because on many occasions I have fallen

in his terrible provocations.

Today I apologize for all the times that

He allows me to get involved in his game.

Come to me, San Alejo,

and intercede for me before

our Mighty Creator.

To get rid of this person

that only causes me problems

family and work.

make him look at us

with eyes of mercy

each of us his children

that we find ourselves on this earth today.

To forgive us if

sometime we

we were that kind of conflictive people

generator of family problems

and of any other.

And that like us, show

this person what is found

acting bad

Show him, Lord, that

can change your life, and

who will find salvation

and prosperity without

need to harm others.

Oh great, San Alejo, come to us and

remove this person from around us.

So that peace can once again reign in

our lives, so that

end the problems

by that person have been created

in the community.

In you I place this family problem

what we went through with this person. So that

You are the one who does the right thing.

This does not depend on us

and we don’t have the necessary power to

in order to get her away from us.

Intercede for us before God,

and bring these prayers before him.


God is the only one capable of removing from our lives everything that harms us

This prayer that you have just made is valid to separate a person, be it from a house, from your family or from your job. When we allow conflicting people to be found in our environment. We are letting the evil one enter our lives and rule or harm them. That is why every day we must pray to God and Saint Benedict to keep it free from these people and also from the family problems that could cause them.

The evil one will always look for a way to bend the will of God, and make his children separate from the path that he has destined for each one of them. Therefore, in order to remove the evil one from our lives.

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