Powerful prayer for a quick debt payment – Faithful to God

This situation has ever happened to us and it is lending money and getting paid. It is interesting that we always lend money, but they don’t pay us, they turn a deaf ear, or they act like it’s nothing, no matter how hard we try to make them pay us a debt, it doesn’t work.

Therefore, the power of God is going to intervene with this Powerful prayer to get a debt paid quickly. In this way, God, can act on the conscience of being a person and pay me, ‘what they owe me’ or the urgent money you need.

On the other hand, I don’t understand why there are poorly paid people in this world, we save them from debt. But then they are indebted to us, and when we say pay a debt they have with us are offended.

That evil I don’t know what They do not act according to the word of God, and also very lacking in values. Many times, we should not fear earthly evils, but rather divine justice.

Because, we lend that money so kindly, but when the time comes for them to pay a debt or ‘pay me what they owe me’. I know do the victims or get upset, without knowing if that good was from some savings and that now, they urgently need that money.

However, it does not hurt to ask for divine protection, so as not to meet bad people. And even, many resort to online or face-to-face tarot work, when they see that the situation can no longer be handled. And said objective, of that tarot work or card readings, is with the purpose, that they ‘pay the money they owe me’ or that I pay the debt quickly.

It does not matter if the loan was online or physical, this works for both cases. Even so, also keep in mind that although these tarot works, can be sometimes, not they are all effective.

So you can too ask Saint Anthony of Padua, so that through his Divine soul, he intercedes for us before God, and this penetrates the soul of the debtor, causing them to give us ‘the money they owe me’ online or not.

Likewise, you can also make this prayer, which I leave you below, entrusted to San Antonio de Padua. So that your soul feels the need to pay what you owe, and even can recite a psalmto complete the prayer of Saint Anthony of Padua.

Miraculous prayer for them to pay me money that they owe me quickly

Debts are bad friends, but if you owe, however and honestly find a way to pay it. So that, perhaps tomorrow or the day after, that same person with whom you once counted lend you money again.

Here I show you one prayer for them to pay you the money they owe you and you can even add a psalm of your choice to make the prayer more effective:

O blessed prayer of money!

I beg you for your mercy so that the money is paid to me.

Please I roll this powerful prayer to you to get paid.

I’ve already waited a long time and I can’t wait any longer.

Mighty and loving God,

I can understand the needs of other people,

I can also understand delays,

but understand my needs and why I ask you to get paid.

Merciful Father,

you know how much I need of that money,

I need it today more than yesterday, have mercy.

For the love of God, and all the good things I’ve done,

I ask you to take control, so that they pay me some money.

Have the greatest and mightiest mercy,

so that they pay me that urgent money that I am needing.

I ask you my lord to intercede, in this situation

that today I am having, so they pay me

money they owe me.

I ask that you put in the heart of that person,

the need and desire to pay me.

Don’t let me fool you anymore

and telling lies about debt.

Only you can free me from this person,

to pay me the money either

pay me money they owe me.

My God, intercede for your grace and love in this,

help me my powerful prayer, I already need you.

May this prayer serve from now on in this person,

you know how much I need money urgently, Lord,

That’s why, what do I need with urgency

that they pay me money that they owe me.

Allow this person to pay me,

I believed and trusted him.

Let him know that I’m good at heart

because I lent you money, that money

Now I need you to pay me.

Help me my mighty prayer,

no more debts let me know

of your kindness and love.

Have mercy on this person, I beg you.

By your love and grace enlighten

this person to pay me.

I ask you my lord and savior,

my God, today I am humbled before you,

I beg your mercy.

Help me in this debt

that this person has towards me.

I ask my God, to pay me.

Accept these pleas that I present to you today, my lord.

Your faithfulness is greater than the sky,

Please help me sir.

I beg for your help and mercy at this time.

I don’t want any more anguish because of this debt,

for what you most want allows

that this person can pay me.

In your name my lord I hope.


Why is debt bad?

Debts do not really favor us, on the contrary, they do not attract misery. It overwhelms us knowing that we must. But, there are other people who like to be in debt without paying or showing your face.

That is why it is necessary for us to resort to the Powerful prayer to get a debt paid fast or they give you that urgent money that you lent with kindness. Also, as we already mentioned, you can add a powerful psalm to it, to reinforce the prayer.

It is important try to understand and ask God for forgiveness for themMay he be merciful in due time. We must pay, as well as thank the person who lends us that money very much.

So that person does not go after his debtors to ‘pay me what they owe me’. And of course, in the same way pay the debt on time. We will be promoting that the , is also on our side.

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