Powerful High Level Prayer for Physical Healing and Deliverance – Faithful to God

When we make a prayer we must do it with faith, since the healing was granted to us by the beloved son on the cross; so we should not hesitate to do this powerful high level prayer for physical healing and deliverance.

God is a just King and he does not forsake us, because not even death can with those, who fulfills the designs of the Almighty God. “In their distress they cried out to the Lord, and he saved them from their affliction. He sent his word to heal them, and thus rescued them from the grave” (Psalms 107:19-20).

Powerful prayer for physical healing and deliverance

Eternal father you who dwell on high, to you I raise this; I ask you to heed my call and grant me freedom.

To God Almighty

be glory and honor,

for his love and kindness

knows no limits.

In the beginning you gave us life

and also hope

with your breath you blew

and from the dust you raised us.

Oh Blessed Creator!

in you is our trust,

for we know that you are faithful.

Rest for our soul

is your Holy Word,

with it you take us to healing waters.

Your love does not give up

since neither sin

I managed to get you to throw us away;

if not you sent a beautiful angel

so that we might be saved.

beautiful god,

light up our lives

with your radiance


Because of your light

is that we can travel safely

the paths of this life;

and thus, reach our destination.

Holy Father,

take care of the one who pretends

hurt us; no, leave us defenseless.

Well, the evil of this world,

is taking control

from the minds of many;

that’s why we ask you to save


Lord you give me courage

and as the psalmist relates;

Even if we walk the paths of death

and from the shadow I will fear no evil.

Although the anguish and the eagerness,

come into my life

I know you already have control.

wake us up when

the evil one makes us fall,

for you are our strong rock;

Whom shall we fear?

Father I ask you,

that you grant us physical health;

that our bodies need.

Well only you can do it

so I ask you to heal us;

like the woman with the issue of blood.

remove all disease,

that is in our body;

cleanse us with your breath of life.

In addition, it frees the mind of that

that he is captive;

So we ask you to

untie all ties and chains

of mental oppression.

Don’t let our minds

be corrupted,

if not with your light

we can see the brightness of your holiness.

Turn off any evil voice,

that is inside

of our mind;

don’t let them dominate

my thoughts.

let our eyes be fixed,

in the good and the pure;

give me wisdom so i can

discern between good and evil.

help us to be holy

just as you are,

so that I can see your face.

Merciful Lord,

remember your children;

and don’t let them suffer

the martyrdoms caused by the evil one.

Finally my Lord

only in you we trust

because you gave us a promise

of eternal life.

Thank you for your blessed love

whose greatness is comparable;

to that of the grand universe.

Our happiness depends on you

well you are the reason

of our breathing; It is therefore

that we will never stop adoring you.

blessed be you,

blessed be your great works;

praised are you for all beings

of creation.

Thanks for that

you do not leave any just forsaken;

not even his offspring.

For this reason,

our thanksgivings;

will overflow from our mouth

and the joy will not cease, be it to you

the glory and honor.


God in our quintessential healer

, besides that we can go to him with confidence. For this reason, we must carry out a powerful prayers for healing no doubt; because he promised us that he would be with us every day until the end of the world. “So do not fear, for I am with you; do not be distressed, for I am your God. I will strengthen you and help you; I will uphold you with my victorious right hand” (Isaiah 41:10).

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