Novenas’ Important Catholic Prayers and Devotions | Faithful to God

In any religion, both Catholic and Christian, prayers are an essential and important part to show devotion. In the same way we get the way to forgive and be forgiven through Catholic supplications in the novenas. Likewise, there are others that are structured as a means of praise to the Lord.

All these prayers are different, but equally fundamental. Through their combinations we can have . Therefore, repeat the following sentences:

Holy Father, this is a prayer of praise.

I praise you and bless you!

For your love, your generosity and your kindness.

I ask you in the Holy name of Jesus,

my only Lord and Redeemer.

Send me the Holy Spirit,

so that it spills over my life.

Next to your most beautiful presence and grant me

my wishes in this catholic devotion.

Give me the grace to love you and praise you,

so put you like every day of priority,

in my life.

I am proud to know that I can

count on your blessed presence.


Dear Lord, this is a prayer of Forgiveness;

Made in the powerful Catholic Church,

your house, Lord, so I can ask your forgiveness.

I am on my knees before the cross of Jesus Our Lord.

Renouncing satan and all idols, vices

and all my flaws that makes

fall into hellish sins.

In your infinite and valuable mercy,

have pity on me

for falling into temptation.

Forgive all my fault

You who do not judge or point out,

also teach me to forgive.

To forgive with the heart,

also to all those people

that caused at some point

damage in my life.

Deliver me from every trap that satan

place for my life, as you know,

of the seduction that takes me away from your beautiful


With your Divine Love, on this day

I cover myself

and i can rest under

your Blessed Blessings.


Perfect, protective King of Heaven and earth;

I dedicate these supplications to you,

that you take care of me from all evil,

to get you can

always take care of me

Deliver me from all weakness of the flesh

that comes to me daily

to fall into temptation.

Heal my body and my life,

all disease; and from my mind,

erase all bad thoughts.

Protect my mind in this Divine Devotion,

so that evil does not weaken,

never my faith and my powerful love for you.


Jesus of mercy, to you I dedicate:

A catholic devotional prayer,

where I open my heart and I beg you

Peace of mind.

You know that many times I cause

in my mind sadness and depression.

But always having the certainty that,

with the grace of your holy spirit;

You will heal me and place the cure in my heart.

Heal me now, Holy Father,

the wounds that mark my life,

that doesn’t let me be happy.

My Lord Jesus, take out of me all the bad

that you find in my life.

All the bad that has arisen in me,

like evil, envy,

indifference, hatred and all lies.

Make me a noble heart, simple,

humble as your love that shows me:

Peace, tranquility, overflows in me

all love, respect.

Give tranquility and maturity to my emotions,

and make me make wise decisions,

I trust you will guide my paths.


My God, I come to implore you to renew

through the prayer of devotion

What the Catholic Church has taught me.

Make me that new man

and renewed to give you glory.

To achieve attest to your presence,

and keep you in my life forever.

I adore you like no one else does.

My beloved God, allow me to be,

your follower and your servant

so take the path of good,

and not return to sin.

Lord, my my God,

that you see us broken day by day

for our weakness, I beg you,

change my life I beg you!


What is the importance of performing these prayers?

More than thanks and praise, the relationship with the Lord is valuable to Him. In this way you show him that is present in your heart. The path from now on will become much easier.

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