Novena to Mary Help of Christians to ask for help and good luck

History of Mary Help of Christians

“Auxiliadora” is a Christian title with which the Virgin Mary has been named for hundreds of years by various devout Catholics, as in the following cases:

  • Year 476 – the orator Proclus manifested: “The Mother of God is our Helper because she brings us help from above”
  • Year 560 – Saint Sophronius, Archbishop of Jerusalem said: “Mary is Help of those on earth and the joy of those who are already in heaven”
  • Year 518 – Romano Melone (Greek poet) names Maria: “Help of those who pray, extermination of evil spirits and help of those of us who are weak”
  • Year 733 – San Germán, Archbishop of Constantinople said in a sermon: “Oh Mary, You are Powerful Help of the poor, brave Help of Christians against the enemies of the faith. Help of armies to defend the homeland. Helper of the rulers so that they get us well-being, Helper of the humble people who need your help.

Much later, during a Mohammedan invasion of Rome in 1572, the Supreme Pontiff Pius V (very devoted to the Virgin Mary) summoned the Catholic princes to defend the region. A large army was formed and a fight was fought on October 7 of that year.

During the battle, Pope Pius V walked the streets of Rome praying the Rosary to the Virgin Mary. Due to the resounding victory, Pius V established that every October 7 the feast of the Holy Rosary.

Some time later, during the 19th century, Napoleon imprisoned Pope Pius VII. It was at that time that the Supreme Pontiff made a promise to Mary Help of Christians: “Mother of God, if you free me from this unworthy prison, I will honor you by decreeing a new feast for you in the Catholic Church”

Napoleon after many years was expelled from his country and spent the rest of his life in prison. On May 24, 1814, the Pope triumphantly returned to Rome and decreed that date as the day of Mary Help of Christians.

Images of Mary Help of Christians

The helper virgin is usually represented carrying the baby Jesus who is with open arms and with a scepter in the other hand.

Prayer to Mary Help of Christians written by Don Bosco

It was from the year 1860, where Don Bosco began to refer to the Virgin with the title “Mary Help of Christians”. He founded the Daughters of Mary Help of Christians Institute and created the following prayer to the Virgin Mary Help of Christians, with which he obtained protection countless times:

Our help comes from the Lord.
Who made heaven and earth.
(pray a Hail Mary)
Under your protection we take refuge,
Holy Mother of God,
do not disregard the pleas that we address to you
in our needs;
Rather, deliver us from all danger,
Blessed and glorious Virgin.
Mary Help of Christians.
Pray for us.
Lord hear our prayer
And our cry reaches you.

Let’s pray:
Almighty and eternal God, with the help
of the Holy Spirit, you prepared the body and the soul
of Mary, the Virgin Mother, to be worthy abode
of your son; remembering her with joy, deliver us
by his intercession for present evils and eternal death. For Jesus Christ,
our Lord.
The blessing of Almighty God,
Father, Son and Holy Spirit,
Come down on us and stay forever.

Novena to Mary Help of Christians

In addition to the prayer to Mary Help of Christians, here I share a novena that you should pray when you need urgent help in a desperate situation:

First day

Oh, Mary, powerful Help of Christians who trusting in your mercy, come to your throne full of confidence! Hear the pleas of your suppliant children we implore your powerful patronage, to be able to flee from sin and the occasions of sin

Second day

Oh, Most Holy Mary, Mother of goodness and mercy! you who always freed the Christian people, with your powerful patronage, from the assaults and snares of the enemy, protect our souls, we beg you, from the attacks of the devil, the world and the flesh, so that we achieve complete victory over enemies of our salvation.

Third day

Oh, most powerful Queen of Heaven, who alone triumphed over the heresies that tried to tear so many children from the lap of our Mother the Church! Help us oh Mary! to keep our faith firm and our hearts pure, in the midst of so many snares so as not to contaminate ourselves with the poison of so many perverse doctrines. Three Hail Marys and Gloria. End with the final sentences for each day.

Fourth day

Oh sweetest Mother our Mary, you who are Queen of Martyrs for the heroic acts of courage and strength that you practiced on earth! Deign to instill in our hearts the necessary strength to remain constant in your service so that, overcoming all human respect, we may shamelessly fulfill our religious duties and always behave as your devout children until death.

Fifth day

My dear Mother, you who in the triumph of Pope Pius VII showed your effective patronage, unfolded your protective mantle over the entire Church and especially over its august head the Supreme Pontiff, defend it at all times from the attacks of enemies, deliver it from afflictions, always assist him so that he can direct the small ship of San Pedro to the port of salvation, triumphing over the raging waves that threaten to submerge it

Sixth day

O Mary, Queen of Apostles! take under your protection the sacred ministers and all the faithful of the Catholic Church: achieve for them a spirit of union, of perfect obedience to the Roman Pontiff, and of fervent zeal for the salvation of souls; We especially beg you to extend your loving assistance to the missionaries, so that they manage to attract all souls to the true faith of Jesus Christ, to form a single Flock from the entire world under the guidance of a single Shepherd.

Seventh day

Do not be, Mother of mercy, insensitive to the pains of the Church despised in its doctrine and in its Sacraments. Do not allow the most precious blood of your divine Son to be spilled in vain, enlighten the blind who persecute it, strengthen the weak who do not defend it. Shine oh Mary! your power on earth; May religion be glorified and obeyed, observing the divine and ecclesiastical law, so that everyone praises you and humanity reaches eternal joys.

Eighth day

Oh Mary, Mother of God and our loving Mother, it has been said of You: all power has been given to you on earth and in heaven; you present yourself to the throne of the Most High, not as the one who asks, but as the one who commands, we cry out to You from the abyss of our miseries, keep away from us all evil; under your protection we put our goods, our hearts, souls, powers, senses, life and everything we have; be our protection and our defense throughout life.

ninth day

Oh Mary, Mother of God and our loving Mother, it has been said of You: all power has been given to you on earth and in heaven; you present yourself to the throne of the Most High, not as the one who asks, but as the one who commands, we cry out to You from the abyss of our miseries, keep away from us all evil; under your protection we put our goods, our hearts, souls, powers, senses, life and everything we have; be our protection and our defense throughout life.

More Catholic prayers for urgent matters

Here I share other prayers for difficult and complex situations that will help you find clarity in your problems:

Did you know Mary Help of Christians?

Yes. I know and I usually pray to him


I know but I don’t usually pray to him


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