Novena of Our Lady the Virgin of Lourdes for Protection – Faithful to God

because they would give their lives so that their children can live healthily and on the path of truth, that is why when you want to have the divine protection of the Virgin of Lourdes, you must ask for it with mercy and devotion since Our Blessed Mother will protect us against any evil that may lie in wait for us.

Whether it is because you want to obtain divine protection for yourself, for your relatives or for your loved onesprayer is the means to achieve it, but it is not enough to make a simple prayer, it is also important to add a novena to see better results.

Then, the best way to get the protection granted by Our Lady the Virgin of Lourdesit is through prayer and the novena, that way she will listen to our messages quickly and attend to our good.

Novena to protect us with the blessing of the Virgin of Lourdes

A novena lasts 9 days, the novena consists of 3 prayers: one at the beginning of each day, a prayer that varies depending on the day and a daily final prayer; a novena lasts 9 days. So that you can make this novena to Our Lady the Virgin of Lourdes for protection without any problem, we distribute it to you as follows:

opening sentence

Immaculate Virgin of Lourdes,

today on this new day, humbly

I come before you, pnow to be able to make my ninth,

with the greatest devotion of my heart.

Please respond to my pleas

Well here as a son of yours, hand come

for your motherly support, love and protection.

Don’t let evil come near

me, and insteadhug me and snuggle me

under your maternal womb, My Mother.


Powerful and majestic Virgin of Lourdes,

On this day, I want to humbly ask you

that you allow my faith to grow.

Let me get better at practicing

prayer, so that my noble acts

of devotion, be worthy of you.

I wanted to thank you first of all,

for giving me another day of life,

allow me to grow more as a person,

but let it be on the path of good.

Be my spiritual guide and support

at all times My Mother, grant me your

blessed blessing, so that the

evil away from me.

So that selfishness and pride

do not take over me, do not allow

that money and materialism,

tempt my heart

Well, only you, soul full of

devotion and joy must be my vices,

on this (name of the day you go

of the novena) I will pray with all my strength.

To adore you, and venerate you, give me

your blessing, Mighty Mother,

so that in this way I can

live without fear.

Never be tempted and above all

never doubt your love.


closing sentence

Immaculate Virgin of Lourdes,

thanks for the love you have

your children, gthank you for allowing us

wake up safe and sound.

Thank you for interceding with us,

when we need it, gthank you for

cleanse my spirit and my heart

of bad feelings.

Thank you for helping me with

moments that I need you the most.

And above all, thank you for

give me your blessing,

heto what protect and care for me

at all times of the day.


Who was the Virgin of Lourdes?

The story tells that a couple of girls were walking near a cave, when they heard a beautiful voice, which called one of them, the girls decided to enter, and the surprise was that they found a beautiful who identified herself as the Virgin Mary. Then, one of the girls visited this place daily and prayed for 5 months, until one of the times the Virgin reappeared.

After the news is released, many people went, but the adults could not see it, only the children could see it and this brought with it a lot of distrust, the cave was closed, but some time later a chapel was built in it. Backed by arguments from Pope Pius IX, she became a powerful virgin who heals the sick and protects her children.

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