MOTHER – Encyclopedic Dictionary of Bible and Theology

v. Dad
Gen 3:20 how much she was m of all the living
Gen 17:16 and there shall be m of nations; Kings
Exo 20:12; Deu 5:16 honor your father and your m
Jdg 5:7 I Deborah got up .. as m in
1Sa 2:19 and made his m a little tunic
2Sa 20:19 destroy a city that is m in Israel
Psa 113:9 Barren, who rejoices to be my sons
Pro 23:22 you grow old, do not despise her
Isa 66:13 as one whom his m comforts, so
Eze 16:44 saying that says: Like the m, like the daughter
Mat 10:35 daughter against her m, and the daughter in law against
Matt 12:48; Mar 3:33 who is my m, and who
Mat 15:4 saying: Honor your father and your m
Matt 19:5; Eph 5:31 will leave father and m, and join
Luk 8:21 my my my brothers are the ones who hear
Joh 19:25 were by the cross of Jesus his m
John 19:27 Then he said to the disciple, Behold your m
Gal 4:26 which is m of us all, is free
1Ti 5:2 old women, as am; to the young girls
2Ti 1:5 the faith .. which dwelt .. in your m Eunice


Source: Hispanic World Bible Dictionary

The Virgin Mary is the Mother of Jesus Christ: (Mt.l, Lc.l), who is God: (Jn.l:l); therefore the Virgin Mary is the “Mother of God”, just as your mother and mine are our mothers, even though they have not “made” our souls or our bodies.

Saint Paul presents the Church to us as the “Mystical Body of Christ”, in Ro.12, 1 Cor.12 and Eph.4: The Head of that Body is Christ; the members, the Christians; the soul, the Holy Spirit; the Father, God the Father: (Eph 4:6). and, as every body also has a “mother”, the mother of the Head, she is also the Mother of the whole Body, because, otherwise, it would be a monstrous body in which the Head has one mother and the body another. The Mystical Body of Christ is not monstrous, but the most perfect imaginable, and for this reason the Mother of the Head is the Mother of the Body, of the Church, and of each member of the Body, of each Christian.

On the Cross Jesus said to the “disciple”: “Behold your Mother”: (Jua 19:27).

Jesus well knew that Mary was not the Mother of John, and Christ was not telling a lie on the Cross when he said that! he was saying a very consoling truth: in the “disciple” we were all Christians represented, and to each Christian Jesus was saying to us: “Behold your Mother”. Jesus loved us so much that on Holy Thursday he gave us the Eucharist and the Priests of his Church, and on Friday he gave us all his Blood. and, since he had nothing more to give us, he gave us the last thing he had left, he gave us his own Mother, so that she may also be our Mother, and we may be saved with a Father’s heart and a Mother’s love, praised be the Lord! !.

The Christian, “mother of Christ”: This is what Jesus himself said in Mar 3:35: “Whoever does the will of God, that is my brother, my sister and my mother”: I already knew that Christ was my “brother ”, but I had never thought that I was the “mother” of Christ, and, indeed, I am, because every Christian carries Christ in his heart, and, therefore, is the “mother of Christ” who, moreover, you can give it to others, as all mothers do. This is how Tertullian and Saint Augustine explain this passage from Mar 3:35, Mt.12, Lk. 8. Every Christian, “3 mothers”.

1- The natural mother.

2- The Virgin Mary.

3- The Church, Holy Mother, who begets Christ for us.

Christian Bible Dictionary
Dr. J. Dominguez

Source: Christian Bible Dictionary

tip, LEYE


Vet, The law commanded that the mother be honored as well as the father (Ex. 20:12). The son who hurt his father or mother was to be punished with death (Ex. 21:17). The same fate befell the habitually disobedient (Dt. 21:18-21). In almost every case the mothers of the kings of Israel are mentioned, and not just the fathers. The wise woman who called Joab indicating that she was “a mother in Israel” was listened to with all attention (2 Sam. 20:19). A mother naturally has great influence over her children, whether for good or ill, as seen in the cases of Jochebed the mother of Moses and Jezebel the mother of Athaliah. The sons of the virtuous woman rise up from her and call her blessed (Prov. 31:28). Timothy had a faithful mother and grandmother (2 Tim. 1:5). There are also “mothers” in the church who have the interests of the Lord in their hearts for the good of the saints, which is seen in Paul calling Rufus’s mother also his mother (Rom. 16:13). It should be noted that “in vain we search the Scriptures for the humiliating position occupied by women in many lands of the East. A misconception has been created due to her current position in the East, especially under Islam. Her position, as it appears in the Scriptures, is totally different. There women move on the same social plane as men. They frequently occupy public positions (Ex. 15:20; Jud. 4:4; 2 Kings 22:14)…” (ISBE, p. 2092). (See MARRIAGE, FAMILY, CHILD, PARENTS, WOMAN.)

Source: New Illustrated Bible Dictionary

Woman who generates children. By extension, an extensive concept that is applied to welcoming persons of the human being or to institutions in the sense of protection and affection. The country as mother, the Church as mother, society as mother, a protective institution as mother. But in all these cases the symbolism of fertility, protection and participatory love is alluded to, which is similar to that which a woman naturally has for the child she has conceived.

In general, the concept of “mother” refers to any institution, reality or situation that generates or conditions: language, culture, science, channel, etc.

(See Woman 5.1)

Pedro Chico González, Dictionary of Catechesis and Religious Pedagogy, Editorial Bruño, Lima, Peru 2006

Source: Dictionary of Catechesis and Religious Pedagogy

God made woman to be a mother (Gen 1:28). Saint Paul wants women to marry and have children (1 Tim 5,14). The greatest glory for an Israelite woman is to be a mother (Gen 24,60; 30,1; 1 Sam 1,6; Sal 113,9). This is the happiness of Elizabeth (Lk 1,24-25.41.58) and of Mary (Lk 1,46-47; 11,27). Motherhood is reached through pain (Lk 23,29; Jn 16,21; Ap 12,2.4-5). The loss of children is also a cause of immense pain for the mother (Mt 2,18), as is concern for them, for their food (Mt 24,19), for their future (Mt 20,20). The love of the mother is the greatest love (Is 49,15), comparable to the love of God to Jerusalem (Is 66,13) and of Jesus Christ (Mt 23,37). The mother has the right to filial piety, she must be required and honored by her children (Mt 15,4-G; Lk 18,20). For a son there can only be one love superior to the one he has for his mother: love for Jesus Christ (Mt 10,35-37; Lk 14,26). ->ia, the mother of Jesus.


FERNANDEZ RAMOS, Felipe (Dir.), Dictionary of Jesus of Nazareth, Editorial Monte Carmelo, Burbos, 2001

Source: Dictionary of Jesus of Nazareth

Like the Hebrew word ´av (father), ´em (mother) is probably an onomatopoeic word that reflects one of the first lip sounds of the child. The term can refer to a mother, a stepmother (Ge 37:10; compare Ge 30:22-24; 35:16-19), and also an ancestress, for Adam’s wife Eve was “the mother of everyone who lived† . (Ge 3:20; 1Ki 15:10) The Greek word for “mother” is me·ter. These terms are also used figuratively.
The Hebrew women had a deep-rooted desire for a large family, especially because of God’s promises to make Israel a populous nation and through that nation would come the promised offspring. (Ge 18:18; 22:18; Ex 19:5, 6) The childlessness of a woman was considered one of the greatest misfortunes. (Ge 30:1.)
Under the Law covenant, a woman was “unclean” in a religious sense after the birth of a boy for forty days (seven plus thirty-three), and if she was a girl, double that time, i.e., eighty days (fourteen plus sixty-six). (Le 12:2-5) During the seven and fourteen days, respectively, she was unclean to everyone, including her husband, but for the thirty-three and sixty-six days, respectively, she was unclean only in relation to sacred things and those related to the religious service in the sanctuary.
Hebrew mothers nursed their children until they were three years old, and sometimes up to five or more, believing that the longer they nursed them, the stronger they would grow. (See WEANING.) If the mother died or did not have enough milk, she turned to a wet nurse. Therefore, the expression “of the little ones and of the sucklings” in the Bible could include those who are old enough to be weaned, acquire the knowledge necessary to praise Jehovah, and receive preparation in the sanctuary. (Mt 21:15, 16; 1Sa 1:23, 24; 2:11)
There was a special intimacy between the mother and the children, since she cared for them directly until they were weaned, when the father began to direct the child’s education in a more personal way. The mother’s position in the household was of recognized importance. She had to be respected even in her old age. (Ex 20:12; 21:15, 17; Pr 23:22; De 5:16; 21: 18-21; 27:16) Of course, her position was always secondary to that of her husband , whom she had to respect and obey. As a child, Jesus submitted to his adoptive father Joseph and his mother Mary. (Lu 2:51, 52)
When the father had more than one wife, the sons used the word “mother” to distinguish their mother from their father’s other wives. Likewise, the expression “sons of my mother” was used to differentiate between half brothers and sisters by blood. (Jg 8:19; Ge 43:29)
The mother had to transmit to the children the instructions and mandates of the father and ensure that they were carried out. (Pr 1: 8; 6:20; 31: 1) She managed her house keeping in mind the directions of her husband. Bearing children and raising them properly kept her busy and somewhat prevented her from gossiping or meddling in other people’s business. Standing firm in her faith would protect her. (1Ti 5: 9-14; 2:15.) A good mother prepared food, clothing for the home, for her children and for other members of the house, in such a way that her husband and children of she would have every reason to praise her before others. (Proverbs 31:15, 19, 21, 28)

figurative use. The word “mother” has in Judges 5:7 the meaning of a woman who attends and cares for others. Paul compared the tenderness he felt toward those he had introduced into the truth, his spiritual children, to that of a “nurturing mother.” (1Th 2:7; see KINDNESS.)
Due to the close spiritual relationship that exists in the congregation, Christian women are like mothers and sisters to their fellow Christians, so they are to be treated with the same respect and chastity. (Mr 3:35; 1Ti 5:1, 2) Christian wives who follow the good example of Abraham’s wife Sarah are called her “daughters”. (1Pe 3:6.)
As the body of man was made “from the dust of the ground”, the Earth can resemble its “mother”….

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