4 Prayers of Comfort for the Loss of a Mother – Biblical Studies

They are the little moments filled with the shadows of what could have been. When your baby has her first bath. When you can’t remember what the secret ingredient was that she always added to the family recipe, or when you just need me to tell you what a great job you’re doing. The loss of a mother leaves us feeling like little orphan Annie, whether we are five, twenty-five or older.

It is never easy, even if your mother is a believer and you know that she is in Jesus. ‘ arms. Still, the Bible provides comfort, solace, and prayers for the loss of a mother.

Examples of the loss of a mother in the Bible

The death of a mother is heartbreaking. Whether it was expected or unexpected. It leaves us grieving our entire lives wishing she was just a phone call away. It’s hard to know what to do when we’re used to asking mom for advice on anything and everything. She would be the one to tell you how to get stains out of clothes, the best potty training tricks, how to listen to a nasty teenager, and much more. She was the rock and foundation of her world and now she is gone.

Throughout the Bible, there are many examples of people mourning the loss of a loved one, including Jesus. Although He did not lose his mother, he did lose a close friend. He understood our pain and wept. But there are several examples of mothers dying in the Bible, mainly during childbirth.

Ichabod’s mother

Before Ichabod’s mother died, she named him based on the pain of the battle that raged around her. Ichabod means “deceased glory,” since he was born on the day the Philistines stole the art and took him captive. He never knew his mother, but he knew how his heart ached for the Lord and his country.

Joseph and Benjamin’s mother

Joseph never got to see his mother again after his brothers sold him into slavery at the age of 17. Later, he was jailed after being accused of something he didn’t do. Later, due to his patience and trust in the Lord, God raised him up as second-in-command in Egypt, saving an entire nation from famine, including the brothers who betrayed him. When the family made peace, he was in his mid-thirties and learned that his mother had died giving birth to her younger brother, Benjamin.

She was in her mid-thirties, and labor was intense. With her dying breath, she named her son Ben-Oni, which means “son of my pain.” But Jacob changed his name to mean “son of my right hand.”

Isaac’s mother

Isaac’s mother, Sara, was 127 years old when she died. But before drawing her last breath, she met Isaac’s wife and blessed them. We learned because of his wife, he was comforted in the death of his mother.

The mothers of Moses

Moses lost his mothers in ways that are like death. His mother protected him at birth from the king’s decree to kill all newborn baby boys. So, she came up with a plan and she was able to be a nurse for him while she was raised in the palace. But because of Moses’ choices and temperament, he fled into the wilderness where he lived for decades before the Lord used him to lead his nation out of bondage. When he returns to Egypt, he learns that his mother has passed away and his adoptive mother is not mentioned.

These examples give us insight into the lives and families of the Bible. All of these mothers valued being mothers. It was his highest calling and duty. They loved and appreciated motherhood. They loved their children.

What to say to those grieving the loss of a mother

The loss of a mother, no matter how old you are, will change your life forever. When I think of a very close friend who lost her mother when she was in her twenties, she has learned to live with losing her, but she will never get over it. Her mother is never far from her thoughts and her daily life. A mother’s love will always be with her children, but losing her is one of the deepest pains each of us will face one day. But her love, her care, her embrace and her wisdom will live on as a legacy.

Knowing what to say to someone who is grieving their mother is overwhelming. We don’t want to say the wrong thing, but we also don’t want to remain silent. Whether you choose to send a sympathy card, a thoughtful gift, or offer kind words, there are meaningful ways you can show the bereaved that you support them during this time. If you knew her mother, you could customize what to say or write on a card:

I can imagine how difficult this moment can be for you. I want you to know that your mom was amazing and I know how much she loved you.

I am deeply sorry for your loss. I pray that God comforts you in your darkest hours.

Thinking of you and sending you lots of love during this difficult time.

Your mother’s kindness, generosity, smile and presence will be deeply missed.

Thinking of you and sending you lots of love during this difficult time.

No matter how you feel or what you are going through, I am here to walk with you as you process this loss.

I love you and I will always be here for you.

I can only imagine how much you miss your mom. I miss her a lot too. What happened was devastating and I am here for you in any way you need.

4 Prayers of consolation for the loss of a mother

Words of comfort are welcome during this time of mourning, and so are thoughtful prayers. You can pray these prayers for your friends and family as they go through your loss, or you can write these words on a card, text, or letter. Knowing that someone has really prayed brings a deep sense of reassurance and comfort.

A prayer of consolation and mercy

compassionate father,

Please be a refuge and a pillar of strength. A dear friend has lost her mother and deeply mourns the loss of her. God, we thank you for the wonderful woman this mother was. We thank you for the strength, wisdom, courage, and life lessons that she taught us all through her example. She meant so much to all of us and I thank You for bringing her into Your presence. Father God, I thank you that her mother, while she is no longer with us in this life, she will live forever with you. You conquered the grave and opened the gates of heaven. I entrust my sweet friend and her mother to Your kind care and I look to You with faith and hope in eternal life, to comfort her in her sorrow and pain. In your mighty name, Amen. (Heather Rigglemann)

A prayer for a friend who has lost her mother

Father God,

You are the God of compassion, comfort and refuge. My friend needs you every hour: she has lost her mother and we know you are holding her in your arms as you welcome her to heaven. God, you know that meeting death is never easy, but that’s why you sent your envoy. Encourage my friend’s soul to rise to You when the pain and loss are too much. Lord, she needs you more than ever. During this time of loss, help her to remember that You have known her mother since she was born and that she died in Your loving arms. Help her to trust in the name of Jesus who overcame sin and death. Help her comfort herself by thinking that one day she will see her mom again. May the Words of your good book bring him comfort, Amen. (Heather Rigglemann)

A prayer for a family grieving the loss of a mother

Dear father:

She was a pillar, a gift of love, a treasure for my soul. She was always loving, always kind and generous, even when she got older. For me, she was a lovely mother, for you – a beloved child. I only got to know her a little, you knew her spirit deep inside. As waves of pain wash over me, crushing like a storm, you have welcomed her with a warm embrace and called her sweetly home. It is silent and so empty here, since she passed away, and yet she will hear celebration, forever called to grace. My memories are treasures now, I will cherish them, keep and sow, I know that she took all the riches from her, left the straw and used the gold! As time passes I will forget the hurt and pain she endured, for she is now free, restored and at peace, in your arms forever. I will let each bulb, each bud, each flower, sing to me of your love. Because you reign in eternity, and I will wait for your kingdom to come. Thank you for my special mom, I entrust her to your care, we rest in your arms safe and secure, we are both children there. (Words of the Our Father)

Prayer for the Loss of a Mother

Celestial father,

At this time, nothing seems to be able to alleviate the loss I feel after the death of my mother. My heart is broken, and my spirit mourns. All I know is that Your grace is sufficient and there is comfort in knowing that she is with you in heaven. This day, this hour, moment by moment, I choose to lean on You, because when I am at my weakest, Your strength is strongest. I pour out my pain and praise you because on a glorious day when all suffering has been extinguished and love has won, we will walk together. Amen. (beliefnet)

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