? Miraculous Prayer to Win Sweepstakes and Games of Chance

Praying to ask God for any need we have is something that is within our being as believers. For some, these needs are created regarding bets or participation in games in which the prize can solve any problem. Say a miracle prayer for luck in raffles and random activities It is possible, in this article we will demonstrate it.

Let us remember that a miracle is an event that occurred by divine intervention, meaning in this case, the divinity of god. In other words, those things that happen by the grace of heaven, things that we cannot explain with hard evidence. Sometimes it is a miracle that we need to win that prize that we long for, but we do not have enough faith.

Hope plays a key role in playing and winning something that relies on randomness. Therefore, something that can help us a lot is make a prayer for God to intervene and enlighten us, so we will make the right decisions that give us satisfactory results.

Miraculous prayer to bless your luck

As we have said before, when playing and betting, we depend on chance and of a lot of factors in which we have no power of action, therefore it is not enough to buy a ticket and that’s it (in the case of raffles), or just stick with a strategy for games of chance. The prayer that we will present will help you to have confidence and the necessary luck to win, relying on the help of our Creator Father.

Lord, I ask you for knowledge,

enough to choose my strategy well.

Let me be victorious

illuminate my thoughts.

Don’t let him fall into vice,

So I’m just doing this to help myself.

Still, make my luck multiply,

act through me to choose correctly.

Maybe it’s not the right way to have riches,

but I need your support to get them.

Help me stay calm in those tense moments,

and do not let me fall into greed.

God, let me win the prize that I hope for so much.

You, who know why I want it, guide me to make a decision,

because it is the key so that you can win,

bringing satisfaction and enjoyment to my life.

I come to you, so that you fill me with fortune,

and so, that my tranquility makes presence.

Almighty God, remove fear from me.

accompany me in the moments in which I play.

Make me accept defeats in an ideal way,

So, don’t back down and keep trying.

Show me the path of perseverance,

To reach the goal.

Work on each move you make,

bless them all.

In all humility, I commend this prayer to you.

You, who are the embodiment of such virtue; I need you,

so as not to be blinded by the pleasure of winning.

Do not let me incur in arrogance and pride.

Make me choose wisely

give me the cunning to play.

Heavenly Father, thank you for listening to me.

You are my savior, and my shepherd.


Effectiveness when praying for sweepstakes and gambling

You have to understand that being a miraculous prayer for sweepstakes and games of chance, we may unexpectedly be successful. Although, our perseverance and confidence carry weight. It is not something that we should leave to the drift of fate, that is, we should not limit ourselves to prayingplanning our movements and finding a way to achieve the goal is crucial.

They do not only happen due to “sudden” works, they also occur when we do our part. Doing the miraculous prayer for luck in raffles will give better results if we simultaneously focus on greater effort, the true will of God It lies in our actions.

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